What the thumbs-up emoji REALLY means - and, no, it isn’t rude

what does it mean when someone sends you a thumbs up emoji

what does it mean when someone sends you a thumbs up emoji - win

Failing To Find Friendships On This Subreddit READ THIS

Today I'm going to focus on signs of whether to move on, leave, and overall indicate if your reddit friendship is heading in a positive direction. Along with some mistakes commonly made and some methods to start the conversation.
Messaging Someone:
You found someone you want to message, great! So there are three ways that are appropriate approaches (if you have any other that work extremely well put it in the comments of this post)
Before we get to that I want to say when deciding to message someone or not HAVE CONFIDENCE!!!! I hate it when I look at a post and I see people commenting saying "blah blah blah hmu" HAVE SOME DAMN CONFIDENCE AND INITIATE THE CONVERSATION!! I get that when you do this your trying to be polite and not trying to be a creep but it just does not work.
Mindset: When you message these people I want you to treat it like an elevator pitch. There are some redditors getting hundreds of messages and comments when they make a post. KEEP THAT IN MIND! Here are some ways you can message someone:
  1. Asking a Question: Not a small talk question like "how are u" make it specific to the post. At the same time keep in mind some people may be asking the same questions so try to be unique with them
Ex: A lot of people put something like "I like video games" in their reddit post.
This person has already been asked "which video games do you play" like 50 times!! A better idea would be asking which video game genre do they like or even asking which of their hobbies listed are they most passionate about and then go from there.
People who are in the situation where they have been asked the same question so many damn times it would be a big help if you would tell us a good alternate solution in your opinion
2) Introducing Yourself: Stating what you like, what your looking for in a friendship, and the fact that you want to be friends with them is a rather personal and up-front way to get the conversation started.
But what do I say after I introduce myself???? Funny enough it is based on their reaction but if they give a one word answer like "k" or "cool lol" then you could start launching off some questions until you find a conversation point. Although with a response like that it could either mean they are disinterested or they are talking to so many people they don't have the time to give a good response.
3) A compliment: NO NO NO this does not mean find a female say she looks hot and wait for results. COMPLIMENT SOMEONE BASED ON SOMETHING THAT THEY CAN CONTROL.
Ex: DO NOT say "girl you thicccer than a bowl of oatmeal"
Rather say "You look great in that photo I like your outfit style" (the more specific you get the better in my opinion\*******)*
Odd phrase but it will make sense soon enough
So your messaging someone and just ended your first conversation or maybe you've been talking for a while but how do you know if its going well?
Green Flags:
50/50: You are BOTH initiating conversation. I'm not talking about "well we have had about 10 convos and I initiated 9 of them but they messaged like 1 time" NO I'm talking about a 1 to 1 ratio or something very close to it.
****If you're always the one scheduling, having to reach out or initiate conversation then its not worth it. Your watering a dead plant. And odds are you deserve so much more than to just talk to someone who doesn't even care whether you message them or not. FIND SOMEONE WHO IS WILLING TO MEET YOU HALF WAY
MOIST TEXTING: Get your mind out of gutter lmao let me explain what I mean. Moist Texting is when you're out of that loop of small talk and stuff getting awkward. YOU CAN HAVE A CONVO ABOUT ANYTHING WHETHER IT BE SPORTS, CAREER ENDEAVORS, OR SOMETHING AS IDIOTIC AS IF MR. CLEAN IS ATTRACTIVE OR NOT
****usually replies are hella consistent during moist texting. Your getting replies like every 4-8 mins not every other day or every 5 hours
THEY NEVER MESSAGE YOU FIRST: This is in my opinion the biggest red flag!!!!! Even if they respond to you consistently and you two do stuff all the time a lack of initiation on their part means one simple harsh reality: THEY ONLY RESPOND BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO. ONCE THEY FIND SOMEONE WHO THEY ARE WILLING TO MEET HALFWAY AND MESSAGE CONSISTENTLY THEN THEY WON'T BE REPLYING TO YOU ANYMORE
(That sounds really dark but please remember the person could also be very busy with their life. Also please remember that if this happens over the course of like a few weeks to a few months then that's where green and red flags should be applied)
I TOOK 5 MINS TO RESPOND BUT IT TAKES YOU 3 DAYS !!!!?????: The title for this section is over dramatic but if you are consistently replying after 3-6 mins and it takes them hours on hours each time that's not the best look (ONCE AGAIN REMEMBER THEY COULD JUST BE A BUSY PERSON).
Now I will admit the reddit chat system is so damn bad so if its strictly on reddit take this red flag with a grain of salt but if its on discord or snapchat or any platform where you can either see they read your message or they are online and it takes them hours/days to respond.....that's rough buddy
Also note that a lot of people will say "don't be dry texter when you message me" but remember it goes both ways. You both have to be moist texters.
Alright so lets say every person you message has these red flags. Then the problem might be you. So here are some mistakes that I feel that I've seen others and myself make
SMALL TALK: Now if you have known this person for like 6 months or something then yeah small talk is generally acceptable BUT if you have just started talking YOU NEED TO YEET THAT SMALL TALK BS INTO THE STRATOSPHERE!!!!!!
Nothing kills a convo faster then getting trapped at the grips of what to do next after small talk. Unless you really know this person don't engage in the typical "How r u?" "I'm good hbu?" type of conversations. Yes it is easy and gets you a response because it is easy to reply to but after about four text messages an awkward gap of silence is just waiting to take place.
STOP BEING A PEST: So what if you've had like 5 convos over the course of a week and they haven't initiated anything, what do you do?
Pull back and take like a week or two and just don't conversate because you might be overwhelming someone and they don't want to tell you. Wait a week or two and message again. If they don't respond then that's rough buddy.
You keep having convos and you're the only one initiating!!! Well you know that's a red flag and you have two options:
1) STOP TEXTING THEM ALL TOGETHER: You were watering a dead plant. Stop watering it, the damn plant is dead. BUT IF YOU DID THIS YOU CHOSE THE WRONG OPTION (IMO)
They either won't reply, get mad, or hell maybe even have an actual conversation about feelings. You may not like the results of what happens after you send this but it is going to do so much more for you mentally than just getting sad and either ghosting someone or being ghosted. Go get yourself some closure!!! (Also don't call them out if its only been like 3 days or something ridiculous like that)
YOUR LIKE EVERYONE ELSE: I'm going to make this one short as I said it already put please stray away from asking predictable questions. When people go right be that one person that goes left!!
Person 1: "I like to play basketball"
You: "What position do you play" <---- WRONG EVERYONE IS ASKING SOMETHING LIKE THIS
Instead maybe answer with a witty reply
(Bad example but I'm making this up on the fly) You: "I bet you're good enough to beat tom brady in a 1v1"
EXPRESS EMOTIONS: USE THOSE DAMN EXCLAMATION POINTS, QUESTION MARKS AND EMOJIS. They seriously add a whole new depth to the conversation
**********YOUR NOT SCHEDULING: Scheduling something to do with someone is dorky but it is EFFECTIVE! By scheduling I mean get a day and a time that works for both of you guys. This can eliminate something like always asking someone to get online and play and them turning you down because they are busy.
But what if we always schedule and they never show up because they forgot?
That's rough buddy and that is a red flag. (If this happens once or twice then don't freak put up if it happens like 6 out of every 7 times then yeah that's a bad thing also if you're the one always scheduling to do something and they never do that is a red flag)
LONG MESSAGES: Often times you are being too wordy. Try condensing your text message to be readable but also short.
\**Rule of thumb: Long meaningful replies to questions but short interesting replies to statements*
FILTERING YOURSELF: When you reply sometimes you think too much and go with a "safe reply" but don't do that because everyone else is going with that "safe reply'!
(This filter thing is not an excuse to go insult or make a pervy comment towards someone)
I'm going to reiterate some things mentioned earlier but they are that important
Realize some people are getting hundreds of messages and odds are they are only looking for one or two people at max. They may find those people before they even get to your message
Do not build up unreasonable expectations:
If you see that this person likes all the things you like don't go off and make a fantasy in your head where you picture them a certain way and build up an expectation.
Go in with no expectations and take the person for what they are!!!
Accept that 80% of the people you talk to won't develop into the friendship you want or a friendship at all
Be open, honest, and kind to whoever you talk to. Also ask deep question that encourage open ended conversations.
ALSO PLEASE COMMENT ON HOW TO MAKE A GOOD POST THAT CAN GET PEOPLE TO REPLY. (I'm actually curious to see what you guys come up with)
If you read to this point.....you are a scholar 😎
submitted by KING-MAN123455 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5: Round 3 Match 7 - Bang "Boogie" Bronson vs Espiritu (Glitchless) (Any%) (WR)

The results are in for Match 5. The winner is…
The Masters of Funky Action, with a score of 72 to Suburban Regalia‘s 64!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Masters of Funky Action 19-10 At 6.5 votes to 3.5, MFA took the lead early on and held onto it.
Quality Suburban Regalia 20-21 Reasoning
JoJolity Tie 23-23 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
“Nngh… Gheh…” Lemon Demon couldn’t move much without hurting himself, and was beginning to black out as it was; Bert’s creations had been fended through, the pair had been separated, and he’d wound up tangled and chained up and unable to break free without some great risk to his own safety. Regardless, though, even slipping out of consciousness and feeling it, he kept up high spirits.
“Guess I’m beat… Guess this is some kinda karma. I always made phone cords so they get all tangled up on purpose… Whole design of the things was my idea.” He snickered a bit, turning his head as much as he could. “Okay, wanna help me down, Bert?”
The old troublemaker only heard silence back as his eyes shut.
Perseus Drakos and Casey Williams, standing at the bottom of the stairwell by the entrance to the basement room from which their opponents had come, were quiet, the older of the two putting a hand on the younger’s shoulder.
“Hey, Percy… Are you doing alright?”
“…why wouldn’t I be? We won… We beat a monster who killed tens of thousands. Got revenge for Rudolf…” Perseus answered, tone so even she couldn’t tell if he was forcing it or not, turning around and walking quickly towards the door, shrugging her hand away. “C’mon, we need to help those people still. They might still be alive.”
“…” Casey turned to watch him move, and didn’t let herself turn back towards the coffin of glass, which had been stuck with blade after blade and begun dripping something copper-scented all over the floor.
Whether he was being honest or not, Perseus was right. This mattered more.
The pair stepped into the trashed laboratory, unsurprised yet at once deeply concerned as they saw the bloodied forms of the University Board members laying there, large gashes in their heads, barely moving, at either side of some off-white mess in a pile of broken glass on the ground.
“They… They’re alive, for now, but… I don’t think they’ll last like this.” Casey expressed, trembling with her finger on the pulse of the restaurant’s owner. “We… Were we too late? Even fighting as fast as we could, were we too late?!”
“No, there…” Perseus’ voice cracked slightly. “There has to be something we can-” He paused, then, the Stranger guiding his attention to the ‘weapon’ on the ground.
Something the size of a ping-pong ball had begun to emerge from it.
There’s only a few hours left, meanwhile, to vote in the round’s first boss match, wherein a returning T3 character faces an ant-controlling boy and a shocking Kamen Rider!
Downtown Los Fortuna, The Capital Islets - Near City Hall
Council Chairperson Raymond Delwyn Shimizu was in about as good a mood as he could be, given the troubling circumstances. The city and everyone in it was in danger, and one of his closest allies here was currently on a dangerous mission to take down the entire leadership of the city’s most prominent crime rings, and still, petty bullshit, feuds and backroom deals and councilmen in people’s pockets continued to stand in the way of his efforts.
Nonetheless, he could not wear a worried face before the smiles and trust of the people he’d come to represent, let alone as he read over a speech that he’d slaved over just for today, for the latest anniversary of the city’s founding. It was a miracle of his legislative work that the islets had managed to be in enough of a state of repair to house any event at all, let alone as beloved as this one.
“That Andrew Tiffany fellow unveiled our city’s new flag at one of these foundational celebrations, couple years back.” A short, goggle-wearing guy with a red aviator cap spoke to Ray, and he regarded him unsuspiciously, as in spite of his comparable costume to certain ghosts around the city, the mayor of the town, unlike them, had a very large, prominent handlebar moustache covering up half of his face. “My first foundational celebration in office, that was… The mayor before me had just resigned after his jaywalking ring was exposed to the public by a clout-chasing whistleblower.”
Ray nodded, agreeing that such a thing, of course, was deeply scandalous, wholly deserving of a replacement by Mayor Rockin Red Robin. “I can tell you’ve inherited a lot of pressure… Especially needing to hunt down the Red Flying Man. I didn’t know you were the type to take action like that…”
“Of course, of course!” Mayor Red waved his hand, then, “in general, I think I must take my post more seriously, I’ve realized, especially having lost a brace of kinsmen myself to the tragedies of late. Tell you what, even… Add an addendum to your speech, that I’ve agreed to plan to get one of those ‘squads’ you want together, after this is done. I don’t flout my clout enough!”
“You… You mean that?” Would it be that easy? Would Ray have yet another of his campaign promises, the hardest he’d fought futilely for, officially realized?
“Certainly! So long as no abrupt scandals derail my entire political career, I should be very comfortably in a place to do so! No ulterior motives whatsoever! Only benevolence in this alliance!”
“Any last-minute setup you need done, Mr. Chairman? Mayor Red?”
The pair, then, looked to a tall teenaged temp they’d hired to help arrange for things, who wore a big beanie cap all the way down over his eyes… Thorburn, he’d said he was, and Ray, humoring the eccentric, accepted that for the sake of being a nice guy.
“Not that I know of…” He answered, looking around, then to the giant screens affixed to the outer walls of City Hall; climbing as well as he could, this volunteer had gotten them all installed easily. “Thanks, though. You’ve been as much help as half a dozen men or more… Uh. Maybe see if Golden Week needs anything?”
“Sure, yeah… That sounds fine. I’ll definitely do that.” Thorburn walked away, then, turning back a moment to conclude, “this commemoration… It’s going to be one to remember. Looking forward to the main event.”
“…” Ray wasn’t sure what to make of that, but before he could ask, the volunteer was gone. “Uh… Looks like it’s about time to get started. Wish me luck.”
As Ray stepped up, then, turning the mic on, he cleared his throat, earning the attention of the murmuring crowds as either hand rested on either side of the podium.
“Good afternoon, Los Fortuna. I am… Deeply humbled, that we have managed to get the former Capital Island in enough of a state of repair to host this event here once more, and would like to start with thanks to the relief and repair workers still spending hours on the islets every day.” He paused to allow the crowd to applaud, then opened his mouth again. “These first months as your council chairman have been-”
Royalty free music began to blare overtop itself in a discordant overlap, drowning out the interrupted words of the beginnings of Ray’s speech as the screens which had been displaying him to the crowd, suddenly, began to display static, then a form framed in silhouette.
“Hello, to everyone tuning in online and in-person,” the figure said, voice distorted and lowered several octaves digitally, “it’s your favorite and least favorite web personality, your best and your worst friend, here to steal the show!”
Several bumps began to emerge from the ground beneath Ray and other councillors waiting to speak, prompting them to tactically retreat from the gradually forming horned, mechanical-looking orbs with glowing green eyes which had begun to overtake the area.
“What the hell is going on..?”
Ray winced on his bad leg, then, before a much larger variant of the same, brighter in color, grabbed and tossed him into the soft grass. Amazingly, he landed harmlessly.
“Forget about all those corrupt jerks, just here to talk about themselves, alright? Talking about them is why I’M here.”
A Small House Just East of the Capital Islets, the Evening Before
Ever since she had suddenly awoken in Los Fortuna, Evelyn Ensanar had never once set foot outside of her home.
It had been…
Hell, how long had it been? Days had become weeks had become months, all within these walls and roof, and that would turn into lord knew how long. Wild. It's insane how big numbers can get.
Something tapped against the window.
It was a nice neighborhood they’d wound up in, her mother had optimistically said. The neighbors were friendly, and had a girl her age, and the school district was one of the better you could find in the urban area. She could start high school on a fresh note, with ‘good’ friends, and not just sit in front of a bunch of screens in a shuttered room, making more and more of an Evelyn-shaped impression in that ergonomic lounge chair she’d spent so much time in.
Yeah, mom.
Something tapped against the window.
Even as the island just West literally collapsed into pieces by some Stand Users’ hands, as the ground beneath her quaked, Evelyn couldn’t bring herself to go outside, and by some hand of fate, the place wasn’t destroyed; the security she’d installed over the months worked like a charm at keeping it floodproof, earthquake-proof, and most importantly, the lights plugged in and wi-fi working. That oh-so-nice high school was leveled and underwater without Evelyn even having bothered to google it.
Now the city was doomed to fall or whatever, everyone was gonna die if nothing was done, and while many others sprung into action, the fourteen year-old was as stagnant as the air in the room littered with posters of aliens and spaceships and electronics and their wirings strewn about the floor, waiting for their turn to be dusted off and tested out again.
Something tapped against the window.
It was a nice welcoming room, a welcoming room, if a bit dark. But hey, wasn’t that why electronics electronics were there, to lighten things up? Evelyn tried to part the messy blue bangs out of her eye, but it fell back into place immediately as she turned to chug another can of Forbidden Dew, jiggling her neon wireless mouse to put her screensaver to rest, revealing her cluttered desktop.
She wondered why she’d ever tried to live any other way in the first place. School was hell, and like hell, the gates were shut; people no matter how different or similar to her would forget her anyway. Even then, she’d tried time and time again to make the impossible work. God… I was so cringe back then. She was so miserable.
Something tapped against the window.
She looked towards the shuttered windows again, at the last vestiges of twilight fading through. It was funny, no, fucking hilarious, how that window had once shown nothing but city lights, but now, things were dim and half-sunk even when it was open. In the end, no matter how hard you try, everything leads to ‘Nothing’ in the end…
For Evelyn, however, it hadn’t been that way for a while. She’d broken past the boundaries that once corralled her, found a way in which she could be a part of a society she wanted, a pillar of it, never to be forgotten. To my viewers, to my fans, I’m an icon, someone admirable… Someone I can be my true self for, a world where I don’t have to fear any kind of fall. I’m a famous, popular creator to them! I am someone who matters… I need to act like that, don’t I? But… with everything going on… The end literally months away… I really need to snap out of this rut. I need to stay *me.***
A big, heavy rock flew through Evelyn’s window, something rubber-banded to it, and though she jumped in place and cursed under her breath, it was with a breathy sort of laugh while quickly assessing that it was absolutely not a bomb or something else. Just a ‘prank.’ She looked out to see who could be responsible, but felt like she’d only noticed a sort of glimmer in her eye, before turning towards the object in question.
Rubber banded to the rock was a bulky-looking manila folder, bearing the logo of that, uh… Church of Syrinx, she thought it was called? She didn’t pay much attention to them. Looked stolen, especially as she turned the rock over and saw a message painted onto it in neon.
And then, it was signed with an emoji… One which made Evelyn chuckle to see.
How the hell did this guy fit that all onto one side of a rock? Well, whoever it was knew where she lived, so she supposed humoring this, talking to this stone age weirdo, was her best bet…
And no reason not to open up the folder in the meantime, looking its contents over. It was a collection of documents all stamped and labeled ‘CITY HALL.’
“‘Councilman Golden Week, Downtown District…’” She tilted her head, pulling more of the contents out. “‘Died months ago, replaced by another Stand User?’ ‘Ties to violent anarchist organizations?’” That made her chuckle, grin. “Based.”
From there, then, she thumbed over the contents, speed-reading every entry. Affairs, insider trading dirt, terrorism complicency… There was a veritable goldmine of blackmail material that had just literally been thrown through her window, all on the ‘good’ people at City Hall.
“There was that thing out there tomorrow, right?” She spoke to herself, looking out the destroyed window towards the sunken, half-rebuilt islets.
Already, an idea was starting to form. Evelyn would make her mark on history yet again. But she couldn’t get ahead of herself, of course. She had a stream to get underway, and someone to thank later. Her recording software was up and running, and for the audience, a figure in an astronaut helmet appeared onscreen, a text-to-speech voice accompanying speech bubbles emerging by the avatar’s side.
good evening fans and haters and five yr olds
it me
looks like we finally hit 100k subs. just happened 2day dont say otherwise. U alllllllllll know what that means right
tomorrow, (REAL) face reveal stream. i have some thing xtra special planned for it just u wait and see
all day tomorrow after noon. tell ur friends. it will b some thing new 4 me, and it, i promise, will be
In high spirits, eagerly awaiting what would come next and planning already in their mind, UltraNebula67 proceeded to have one of the best evening streams they felt they’d had in a long time.
Downtown Los Fortuna, the Next Morning - En Route to Capital Island
Espiritu was not a fan of crowds, or of events. It was all noise, and content, and people hoping to speak their platforms in ways which belied their intentions. In Los Fortuna, it would always mean that there were so many more people than anywhere else he’d been whose sins he would see carried upon their backs, thinking nothing of how they would have to some day answer for what clung to them so fearsomely.
This city is the dead… I am as well.
Much had been on the jaguar’s mind in recent days… That Worm, he had taken something which Espiritu had valued dearly, a remnant of the only thing to truly ever be like him which had been stolen from him. He had taken and threatened one of the few people in this world who had known how to find it, and now, horrible loss had come. Failure, for Espiritu, was certain. Death would come.
Yet he walked towards City Hall with discomfort in his every step.
A message had been written in neon on the side of the Estate early that morning, as he’d come back from attempting to exercise, to find some sign of where the man might have taken the memento known as Golden State.
As he read over those words, Espiritu felt as if he was being watched, heard a rustling in the grassy forests of the island.
This wasn’t a warning, then. It was an ultimatum. Somebody was calling him out, meant to drag him in front of the city for whatever purpose was running through their mind… Over the well-being of people whose lives meant nothing to him, whose suffering he could not even begin to give a damn about if he wanted to.
He would make his way out there as soon as he could.
“Oh shit, hey, what’s up?”
Espiritu was distracted from his thoughts on the matter by the teenaged voice cutting in to question his presence. Sitting on a bench close to the epicenter of the speech, half-watching the council chairman speak to somebody or another and plan it out, was the strawberry blonde biker known as ‘Lou’ Reed, sitting and having Wrenn Aflight, disguised only with a big scarf over his face’s lower half, lean into her shoulder slightly.
They seemed to be doing well, regardless of the grudges clinging to their backs, and Espiritu needed more information.
“You… Hello, yes. I am here for an important reason. I’ve received a warning that ‘something’ would happen to ‘ruin’ the men here, if I did not appear. Have you found what you said you would?”
It was a matter unrelated to Espiritu’s presence here, and Lou shook her head. “I’m working on it… And hell, maybe we’re looking into the same thing. Mostly I’m here so Wedding March fanboys don’t start trashing the place and demanding they reinstall their guy just because he died and came back.” She smiled softly, then, adding, “I doubt they’ll try anything, but honestly… I’d almost like to see them try, just gimme the excuse, you know?”
“That does not sound like what I am looking into.” Espiritu continued speaking through his Stand, looking to the idol next. “A message was spray-painted onto the Estate, by somebody nimble. Do you know anything about where your ally is? If he knows anything about it?”
“You mean Bang?” Wrenn tilted his head. “Tell the truth, I haven’t talked to him much at all the past few days! He’s been running around doing this, that, this other thing, and I haven’t been able to keep track of it… If I thought it was important, I’d try, though!”
“You two are no help, then,” Espiritu remarked, not resenting it, but not wanting to stick around long if he didn’t need to, either. He liked one of the two people present here, and the other had similar amounts of grudges to himself, but he would not waste his time here.
He began to walk away, then, the companionship between the two meaning little to him.
“If something happens, let me know.”
Before he could investigate any further, however, robotic-looking things began to emerge from the ground, round, and bumpy, and charging people, pushing them yet not seeming to hurt them, and Espiritu ran and ran away, desperate even more now to find what was going on.
Horrible, discordant noises were blaring, and a new, shadowed face appeared on the screens which had been displaying Raymond Delwyn Shimizu’s speech.
“Hello, to everyone tuning in online and in-person,” the figure said, voice distorted and lowered several octaves digitally, “it’s your favorite and least favorite web personality, your best and your worst friend, here to steal the show!”
More people were thrown, yet none harmed.
“Forget about all those corrupt jerks, just here to talk about themselves, alright? Talking about them is why I’M here.”
“Are you alright, chairman?!” Mayor Red helped Ray up with surprising strength, dusting him off and looking things over.
“Yeah… Just surprised a bit. If these are Stand constructs, their power is surprisingly low. Virtually indestructible, though…”
“I’m here for multiple reasons, really… The first, of course, is to celebrate my own milestones as a creator and community head! That’s right! UltraNebula67 has broken the 100k subscriber milestone! I just needed to do something special for that, right?”
A chat sidebar appeared on the side of the silhouetted screens, showcasing the series of emojis representing the viewers’ joy at this, as well as many talking about a face reveal or asking what the hell was being played.
“Rather than using my avatar for this… I’m going to make a face reveal, and explain today’s stream, the greatest pranks I’ve pulled yet, as myself! Are you hype? Get hype! Okay! Alright! Hyper! More hype! Okay, just a little less hype… Little more! Okay!” Nebula’s shadowy hand held up a remote, and they began to count down, voice growing less and less distorted, “in five… four… three… two..!”
The lights in the room came on dramatically then, and all were able to see the iconic streamer’s face for the first time, grinning in a sure, confident way as their blue hair looked quite natural rested with bangs covering up one eye.
Though they didn’t know to call them Evelyn, the world could see the teenaged girl behind Nebula for the first time.
(art by crimsonRedscarlet!)
This… This problem is being caused by a child? Of course it is. Espiritu was unsurprised, even if he knew that he wasn’t exactly a boomer himself.
For a single, shy moment, Nebula’s hand waved, with a little “hey..!” in a lower voice than the previous grandstanding, before she gulped, nodded, and narrowed her visible eye, grinning and raising her voice again. “It’s great to finally show my face to the world, and I couldn’t have picked a better special stream to do it! See, not only have I, as you can see, had these ‘minions’ of mine take over the steps in front of City Hall, but I even have a reason to!” A lofty folder full of documents was pulled into Nebula’s hands, ushered in by a cascade of air horns. “Things to be said about everyone here, councillors and mayors and DAs, oh my! All leaked to me by a great new friend!”
“Just to let you know I’m not kidding, let’s start with a ‘freebie,’ to show this stuff means business! To the guy no longer in office, the man who claimed to be pro-safety and was murdered anyway, then came back when nobody asked him to, Wedding March!” Documentation of the former Council Chairman filled the screen, as well as photos of his middle-aged face, transactional records indicating exactly what Nebula was about to say.
“That necromancied old-timer had been blocking so many reforms for the city, all because he’d been taking tons of under-the-table payments from Ugo McBaise’s VALKYRIE to set up the table for a private police force basically replacing the already-pretty-garbo police! He was even starting to fund his reelection bid! Talk about CRINGE, am I right? Now, a lot of these aren’t quite that, we’ve got affairs, embarrassing secrets, old photos, all of it spicy, and I’ve saved some of the absolute nastiest for later!”
“Is she just… Leaking corruption stuff?” Wrenn tilted his head, his own Stand beginning to recall where a moment ago he’d been trying to fight. “That sounds fine actually! I think she’s just doing this to get into the drama sphere, but people should be punished for that kinda stuff!”
“Honestly… Nobody’s been hurt yet, just shoved around.” Lou, too, stood down, slightly, a little amused, if anything. “Fuck it, sure. I’m along for the ride… What’s the endgame with all these gaming enemy robot things?”
“I’ve watched her streams before…” Wrenn admitted. “I thought her Stand ability was clicking on stuff and making it stop.”
“Now, I know what some of you longterm fans are thinking… ‘I thought their Stand ability was clicking on stuff and making it stop!’” Nebula threw her head back, laughing and waving a mouse around. “That’s just something this mouse can do, I’ll have you know! My Stand isn’t just defined by a weird new way to play ‘cookie clicker!’ No, no, by now you’ve noticed all those enemies from Iconic Video Game roaming around, just bumping into or throwing guys in their way… This, and how it created my usual avatar, are my REAL ability!”
“That’s right, this is a Stand reveal, too!” Pogchamps resembling Nebula’s avatar filled the chatbar, and Nebula revealed a pair of VR glasses-looking things, flipping them over her head. “This… Is ‘Wind of Fjords!’ I can connect to any alternate reality through this, any medium, and within a few hours, raise up anything from it I want! Though if I can’t control it myself, it has a mind of my own… I’m not controlling those bullying baddies down there, even if I did queue them up last night, for the record! But they aren’t the only thing I’ve summoned up, either.”
She was making this into a game. Espiritu was more and more appalled.
“See, much as I love the info in here… I’m not a drama channel. I’m a gamer at heart, someone who loves to play games, to really get involved with the community instead of just talking at people! So I’ve decided, since you know I’m not bluffing, whether or not all of this stuff gets leaked, is going to DEPEND now on a ‘game.’”
The mayor looked deeply concerned, there, and Raymond stood up a bit, looking to aides. “Find where they’re streaming from… I want to have a chat with this kid.”
A cheap-looking 3D model of a videogame card key spun around on the centralmost screen, the other two occupied by the 2D sprites which nonetheless successfully rotated and existed in 3D space. “That bad boy is what I call the ‘data key…’ It’s a device I made up and wrote a whole short story about, and you know what its power is? Its power is that if someone is holding onto it after I start a five minute countdown, they get to decide if the leak goes through and the whole online gets these notes or not! And right here, right now… It’s IN someone’s possession, at that very site! You’ll be able to identify them by a little triangle rotating above their head. And it has this weird little glitch where it just leaks everything automatically if more than two people are fighting for it at one-”
“I’ll explain from here.” Another voice chimed in, audible on the stream; this one was definitely masculine.
The crowd murmured and looked around, only for someone - the volunteer, Thorburn, in his big beanie cap - to rush out into the middle of the enemies in his waiter-looking outfit, then dramatically toss his disguise away, revealing shockingly to the world the distinctive hair and sleeveless outfit of Bang “Boogie” Bronson.
A triangular shape was rotating above his head, and a microphone was in his hand, which he spoke into, then, gazing out into the crowd as the streaming screen split to focus on both his face and Evelyn’s.
“You came here… I know you did. So why haven’t you come out yet?”
Everyone was silent, then. Almost everyone was confused, but one member of the crowd knew exactly who was being addressed.
“You have about five minutes now… You know that, don’t you? If you don’t steal this from me… We’re going to put things out that ruin basically everyone in city hall. And sure, most deserve that, but… It doesn’t make a g-goddamn difference to me, win or lose, whatever happens. What matters is that *you fight for it, tooth and nail.”***

Bang hung his head, shutting his eyes. “I see… So in the end, you can’t do it. Y-you talk big about taking control, but you’re hopeless… You don’t think it’s worth it at all.”
A TTS device, different from Nebula’s usual, rang through the arena quite loudly, everyone confused and murmuring about who to send in, if they should bother at all, until the source came through; it was a fucked up-looking jaguar with a cell phone, the latter of which speaking words in tandem with his Stand emoting them.
“These people, these councillors… They mean nothing to me, and I do not want them in charge of me. Most could not care less. They will be weighed by what they have done for a long, long time.” Espiritu stepped closer, then, more and more of a disgusted look in his eye. “What you, and this… GAMER, have done, it is not justice. It is not even a test… You are acting solely to disrupt, solely for yourselves, and feeling important. It’s despicable, with what we’re on the verge of. With what is going to kill us in here.”
“WHOA! AN ENTIRE JAGUAR HAS STEPPED INTO THE RING, CHAT! BANG “BOOGIE” BRONSON IS GONNA BE FIGHTING A JAGUAR FOR THIS!” Nebula sounded genuinely excited, trying not to let the terrible and apt words get to her. This was going to be amazing.
“Espiritu…” Bang couldn’t help but smile, bouncing back and forth on his heels and tilting his head. “If you think so, th-then put a stop to it. I want to see you try… I want you to put everything you’ve got into this.”
“This is a waste of time. Nobody else is even bothering to join in, it is so much a waste of time.” Espiritu concluded, preparing a stance to make a movement. “Five minutes… You won’t last that against me.”
Bang bounced a spray paint can in his hand. “That’s the spirit.”
Nebula, then, made sure several airhorns blared at once, calling out…
Location: Downtown, in front of City Hall. The area here is 75 by 85 meters with each tile being 5 by 5 meters. Espiritu starts on the left center and Bang is on the right center as represented by their respective character tokens.
The yellow tiles are cobblestone walkways, with the darker yellow tiles being the sidewalk that borders the road represented by grey tiles. On the road, there are parked cars represented by the purple rectangles, naturally these cars are locked.
The green dotted rectangles are designated greenery zones and each have shrubs and small thin trees inside them. They also each have a lamppost as represented by the yellow “X” marked circles, each lamppost is 5 meters tall.
At the top center is the City Hall Building, in the center of it is a podium and the lined part of it is the stairs leading up to the upper foundation represented by the main grey rectangle. The upper foundation is 3 meters tall. The columns supporting the front of the building are 5 meters tall, and while the entrance to city hall is visibly represented by the rounded rectangle, it is not enterable for this match.
There are several entities here created by Nebula’s Stand Ability and they come in two varieties. They are represented by the 12 red square faces and the 6 blue square faces and will be gone over in more detail below. Both types of entities are vaguely humanoid creatures and it’s pretty clear that they must be from some type of video game.
Goal: Be the one with the Data Key at the end of 5 minutes!
Additional Information:
The Data Key is not a physical entity, it is a program that attaches itself to a host. While inside a host a holographic triangle icon will appear above the host’s head. Outside of a host it looks like a floating pixel art key in a .25 diameter translucent bubble. While floating, the key will float slowly towards the center of the map, one meter off the ground at a slow walking pace. It is also not physically tangible to walls and objects, but will bind itself to the player that touches it.
In order to knock the Data Key out of a host, they must be attacked by one of Nebula’s entities mentioned above, more detail below on specifics. But if a person with the Data Key is attacked by another person directly, say with a punch or anything really that causes pain or injury, the Data Key will transfer itself to the attacker.
At the start of the match Bang will be the one with the Data Key.
The Red Entities are known as Chargers and as their name implies they will run at you and knock the Data Key out of you on impact if you have it. They have C Power, C Speed, and A Durability. Their charge is very much like a football tackle and meant to knock the target over. They have a 30 meter aggro range from their starting position and will detect and go after players in that range. They will prioritize whoever’s closer. If they are 30 meters away from their starting position or there is no target in aggro range, they will make their way back to the starting position until they aggro on something within range again.
The Blue Entities are known as Chucks and as their name implies they will grab and throw whatever they get their hands on at full power. If you have the Data Key on you, it will get left behind where the Chuck is as you get tossed. They have A Power, C Speed, and A Durability. They have the same aggro principles and detection as the Red Entities and when a player is in grab range, they will initiate a two handed grab and toss on whatevewhoever they manage to catch. They also seem to have impeccable aim and will always throw things to the farthest away greenery area. Except the two on the road, those two will throw you towards the roof of City Hall that is visible on the map.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Masters of Funky Action Bang “Boogie” Bronson “Face forward, don't attack me! It's not gonna hit, anyway!” You are not worried about these things at all, in fact you can make use of these things too. Use Nebula’s Stand Entities here to your advantage!
Black Hill Estate Espiritu del Alocatlal “Great misfortune is on its way here.” Well since these things will be getting in both your ways, maybe they could be useful to you. Use Nebula’s Stand Entities here to your advantage!
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submitted by boredCommentator to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

My crush is lying to me.

So my crush keeps saying he isn’t lying to me. And I know he is and it makes me so angry with him and I snap at him because everytime he tells me something I know he lies.
The other day he said he had to help his mom wirh something mid convo and I said okay. 6 hours pass and he never messaged me back. I saw his snap score going up and I know this is crazy but this is honestly the only way I can tell if he’s telling me the truth. He constantly tells me I overthink but I feel like I’m right in thinking he’s lying and so far I’m right. His snap score went up liek crazy third 6 hours. After he told me he had to help his mom. I didn’t bring up that I saw his score going up tho so then we were having a conversation about games and I asked him a question on it the game we were playing and he just snapped at me randomly telling me to search it up in my own and he doemst remember. And he asked me why do I wanna know. I just wanted to have a convo but he was trynna end it short.
I knew sum was up. I figured that he was talking to some girl and I kept texting him during the moment and he got annoyed. So I joke that he woke up in the wrong side of the bed and so I asked about his change in behavior, he told me to not worry about it. Form my thought about him texting someone it seems like that’s what’s happening. So I asked him why did he snap at me and he said “like I said Idk and I don’t remember.” So I asked him why is he asking if I wanna know? And it’s not like I can’t know anything. And he just replied by sending a thumbs up....
Then I stated that I thought it would be better for him to tell me. And all of a sudden he gets interested in the convo again? He asked “What what were we talking about again?” How did he forget what we were talking about. I said I wanted to have a convo with him and I got mad saying “are you fucking kidding me?” Cuz we literally were just talking how did he forget? Be just sent a laughing emoji. He thinks this is funny? im pent up with his lies man...but he said that he thought I was talking about sum else. I’m guessing when I said “Idk you made it sound like it was something else” did he think I was gonna confess something? and I told him he got mood swings and he told me he does not but I do. Then he said he’s gonna talk to me later until I don’t get mood swings.
So then I asked “how? Cuz you’re the one pushing me away” he apparently don’t know. Everyone he tells me he has to go I see whim him on another app. I told him to read the messages and he said that all he did was tell me to search it up because he don’t remember. I know he does remember he just don’t wanna talk to me. I then told him I really really wanna be honest with him about this but i dont think it would ever be the right time. He agreed saying “Yea idk either” does that mean he wanted to tell me something too?? So I explained to him and he left me on delivered. I snooped around and sound he was active on snap. His score is going up still. And I told him I knew he was lying to me. And that I knew he was lying when he told me about helping his mom. He left me on read. Score going up still. He was up at 1:40 in the morning and he has super strict parents, I’m staring to think that he don’t even have strict parents and it’s a lie. The more i see him lying it’s hard to belive him.
I know looking at his snap is crazy but this is the only way I can tell if he’s lying
submitted by UslessPerson to Advice [link] [comments]

the entire emoji movie script

the world we live in. it's so... wonderous. mysterious. even magical. no... no no no.. not that world. i meant this one. the smartphone. each system and program app is it's own little planet of perfect. technology. all providing services so necessary, so crucial, so unbelievably profound. look who just sent me a text! addie mccallister? it must be a mistake. or a joke. or a scam! don't send her your social security number. she's right there! that's our user, alex. and, like every freshman in high school, his whole life, everything, revolves around his phone. and, because the pace of life gets, faster and faster... phones down in five. and attention spans get shorter and shorter... and... you're probably not even listening to me right now. who has the time to type out actual words? and that's where we come in. the most important invention in the history of communication! emo gees. that's my home! textopolis. here, each of us does one thing, and we have to nail it every time. christmas tree just has to stand there, all festive. merry christmas! it's still september, tim! and princesses... i am so pretty. they just gotta wear their crowns and keep their hair comb. we are so pretty. devil, poop, thumbs up, they just show up and they're good to go. but for the faces, the pressure is on. cryer always has to cry, even if he just won the lottery. hurray, i'm a millionaire! laugher's always laughing, even if he's just broken his arm. ahh!! ah! i can see the bone!! ah ah ah ah ah... and me, i'm a meh. so i gotta totally be over it all the time, you know? like meh, who cares. which is not as easy as it sounds. i gotta be mehhhhhhhhh i GOTTA! be! mehhhhhhhhh morning misses D, i see you have the little minis with ya! oh, they're so... cute! NYAH, SO ADORABLE, I CAN'T TAKE IT! I WILL NEVER GET THEM TO SLEEP! STICK TO YOUR ONE FACE, WEIRDO. OLE! OLE! OH NO! OH NO! it's hard to only act blasé. when, living in textopolis is.... just so exciting! hah low good simeans! those ah some shalp attach shays! yes, well we have business to attend to. whot kind off business? monkey business. ha ha ha ha, i sounded british. meh... Oh, that was really good.. meh ? meh ... meh ha ha... what the freak ya doing there, mate? practicing. today is my first day on the phone. oh, droit. i'm gonna be so.. meh. what are you going to do? blah! me and the boys are gonna throw ourselves on the barbie! woo! puh-zow! gooday, mate! hey, koh knee chee wah! sorry emote icons!! oh, I hate knocking over the elderly.. let me help, let me help... oh, my colon!!! ducks... hey, is that the time? HEY, my eyes are up here, pal! woo ooh hoo! woo hoo! right on time! and last week, Alex sent me next to THIS text! huh? huh? HA HA HA THAT ELEPHANT PISSED HIMSELF HA HA HA AH HAH HA HAH HAH UH HUH HUH why are YOU laughing, freak? ho ho ha ha ha! now, unlike me, my parents are total pros. gene, please tell me you weren't laughing just now. gene so help me i swear oh, he was, I remember. let's go see if you can get it right. i have some bad news, gene, and i'm afraid that you'll have the wrong reaction. ok, what's the wrong reaction? anything other than meh. come on! i don't want to be late! i'm not letting you go to work today. wait, WHAT? you're just not ready, son. come on!! working in a cube is an Emoji's whole purpose in life! everybody my age is working on the phone except for me! oh sweetie, that's not true. ow! YEAH! i'm going to work on the phone and I'm only ten! that's because I believe in you! should we wash our hands? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! we're number two! we're number two! see? i, i know i'm different, ok? but, i need to... i can be meh... i just... want to be a working emoji, you know, like... everybody else... and then... i would finally fit in, you know? ah, you fit in, honey. no I don't, mom. I never have. but I could change all that if you just let me! just give me a chance! but what if you get sent out on the phone, making the wrong face? no dad, i'll make the right face! look! maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah? you're so handsome when you make that face. i think he's ready, mel. meh. come on, dad. let me prove it to you. if you really think you're ready... YES! yes i am! i promise i won't let you down! wow! Congratulations, everyone! What an exciting day for all of you! oh, it's really her! oh, pizza! first day on the job, hi, hi! don't be nervous! i won't bite! hi, i'm smiler! ho ho ho ho ho... DON'T TOUCH ME! Hi! i mean.. hey.. as you know, i'm smiler, i'm the system supervisor here, because I was the original emoji. here's how it works. it's nothing fancy! wait a minute... it's really fancy! you each have your own cube on the emoji bar! if alex chooses you, should you be so lucky, your cube will light up! it's showtime! the scanner will scan you, and that scan will get sent right up to alex's text box. and let me tell you guys, there is nothing like getting scanned for the first time. a har, you're gonna love it. now over here is the favorites section, where you'll find all the most popular emo gees. and of course, you'll find my cube here. whoo. you are smooth. just doing my duty. ha ha ha! what did i say? come on, tell me you aren't just a little bit tempted? steven, for the last time, i don't want to buy a timeshare. come on, man, it's high five! you know me! i'm a favorite! Alex hasn't picked you in weeks. when he stops picking you, you're no longer a favorite. there's gotta be some sort of mistake, i mean, look at me, i'm an attractive, hand-giving high five! oh! fistbump! come on in! hey, ladies! FISTBUMP? he's a knucklehead! literally! look at him, I can look like that! ugh, ow, cramp.. big mistake.. oh... help me.. help up a hand.. oh... here you go... thanks mate... hey, little man, how about you create a distraction, and i'll just slip under the rope! uh, oh, is someone lost? smiler, hiya, just leaving. yeah, you know, just killing time before i go back to my cube in the far corner where Alex can't even See Me ANYMORE! you may not be a favorite anymore, but you will always have a place, in a cube! yeah, in the nosebleeds... uh, i'm standing right here? words hurt. the most important thing I can tell you is to just be yourself... basically, happy itself... i am always smiling... places, please! emo gees to your cubes! attention, we've got incoming! gotta be meh, gotta be meh. oh my gosh, my own cube! i can't believe it... oh, i could put a plant over here, and over here could go an inspirational calendar, okay, gotta be meh... look at our son get on there, i'm beaming... with pride! you don't think he'll actually get picked, do you? heiroglyphics. heiroglyphics was an ancient language of picture forms. does that remind anyone of anything. hello. a language of pictures... anyone? early heiroglyphics back in ancient... i gotta reply to addie's text! what should i write? nothing! nothing? words aren't cool. ok, be cool, be cool... alright, alex is not sure how he wants to play this... oh! i would really love it to be me! beam me up! beam me up! i need thumbs up on standby! oh yeah! thumbs up is going in! wait! alex is changing his mind! he's moving! ok, looks like it's gonna be meh... i'm so nervous, i could almost shrug. we are go for meh! initiating scan! okay, you can do this. ah! i can't do this! i can't do it! stop the scan! i can't, it's too late! oh! what's he doing? he's making the wrong face! good for him, little... wait, what? ugh. abort, abort! oh, shi... shut it down, shut it down! ah! what is that emoji? all the emo gees present, evacuate the cube! evacuate the cube! i gotta get out of here! i'm trying! oh, jeez. sorry, everybody. that is not what i meant to do! i kinda.. i kinda panicked.. are you even a meh at all? uh, who, me? like you are, is a malfunction! a malfunction? no, i can be meh, just give me one more chance? you know what would be really fun? a board meeting, where we can find out what to do with you! i just wanted to be useful, you know, fit in! now everybody's calling me a malfunction. i am a malfunction. even if you are a malfunction, gene, your mom and dad still love ya. i knew you weren't ready. let's get you out of here and take you home. one day, all of this will blow over, and everyone will almost forget about what you did. until then, you should probably stay locked up in the apartment. wait, you're gonna hide me away? you're embarrased of me. it's for your own safety. we're trying to protect you, son. gene, where are you going? i'm not going to run away from this. i'm an emoji, and, even though i'm not exactly sure which one... i've gotta have some sort of purpose here, i know it. gene, no! sweetie, please! so, how'd it go, gavel? hey, lightbulb, tell me what's going on in there. what... poop... what is it? tell me turd, tell me truth. what happened? i know it was an accident. we all have accidents you're so soft, poop. not too soft, i hope. i came up here to defend myself, but, uh, you seem pretty happy. so, good news? i'm always happy. oh, right, yeah, truth. but the only thing that could ever make me unhappy, is if one of our emo gees has made a mistake. which would cause alex to lose faith in the phone... and then, our whole gets wiped out! smiler, i devil pinky swear promise to you that i will never, ever make a mistake in the cube again. oh, we know you won't, gene. we know you won't! ha ha, you know, the first time you said it it sounded genuine, but then you repeated it, and, and then, now it's weird. we're setting you up! with our best anti virus bots! so they'll, like, uh, they'll just, they're gonna fix me? actually, delete you. but yes! wait, what? if you get deleted, you don't have to worry about department heads, or the future, or lying about being a malfunction! because you're deleted, right? right! good job! bots! no! stop, he's escaped! party time! oh, wait a minute... the air is better here! beer, tea... i'm coffee! sorry... ish... so ish e. my old cube! ugh, pinkeye. mike! my name's not mike... ah! there's AV bots coming! what, me? just because i'm in the wrong section? holy toledo! what do we do? quick! this way! let's go! don't tell anyone you're about to see this. they'll never find us down here. where are we? the basement? nope. welcome to the loser lounge, where the emo gees who never get used, hang out. go fish! fishcake with swirls sweep so you won't cry. sweep so you won't cry. sweep so you won't cry. i almost got deleted! me! high five! hey, what's up high five? they weren't trying to delete you, they were trying to delete me. you? what's so important about you that they'd send out an entire team of bots? they say... i'm a malfunction. gasp oh, you bringing malfunctions in here now, high five? for crying out loud, abandoned luggage, that had better not be my leftover chinese food... uh... what chinese food? huh ha! do you have any idea what it's like to be living large? hashtag blessed? the favorite of the favorites, and then demoted to this pit of despair? here, will you hit my callouses for me? at least you're a working emoji, that's all i ever wanted. well, if that's all it will take you to be satisfied, then just find a hacker and get reprogrammed. it's not that complicated. where would i find a hacker? in the piracy app, duh. ugh. and who took my clear nail polish? piracy app? to get there, i mean, i have to leave textopolis. so? i've done it. would you be a brother. one of the princess emo gees left the phone altogether, now she lives on the cloud... mmm... ooh, that is good. i'm sure the hacker that helped her do that could easily reprogram you. The name's jailbreak. jailbreak? that's great? reprogrammed. i just need to get reprogrammed, and then i can finally be the meh i was meh to be! help me find that hacker high five, will you? please? maybe this hacker can help you, too? like, rewrite some code? get you into the favorites sections? wait a minute! ow. i've been trying to use my charisma and sensitive entitlement to get me back on top when all I need is a hacker! today's your lucky day! let's roll! hey, can i come too? talk to the hand, bretheren. i thought i was... bye, felicia. ciao, fishcake with swirls. daddy's headed back to the VIPs where he belongs! wait, what about the bots? good point, good point. ow, ow ow, ow... hey... i shouldn't have picked the cactus. i shouldn't have picked it. you didn't even try to get the tree, it's baffling. let's go. high five? hello? high five! where are you? i'm right here! here we are! end of the text aisle. no way. come on, gene, it's perfectly safe! ah! gene, help me! high five! oh no, this is all my fault, high five, I... i'm just messing with you! it's just one of those rubber finger monster puppets from the eighties, i collected the whole set! alright, you coming? uh, what do i do? what do you mean? just take a step through the other side. this, is it. the next time i come back here, i'll be a real meh. high five? woah! are you finished? where, where are we? welcome... to the wallpaper! wow. this place is incredible! each app is a whole new world. ow, that's my face, get off my face, thank you. what is this place? WeChat! it's like a whole other world! oh, it is. what are they? they're bubble pups, they might be cute, but man, are they clean. bubble pups? they're stickers, gene, try to get with the program? this is so cool! wait, what's in that one! everybody's talking about themselves! how does he know so many people? none of these people know him, but they like him, and that's what matters in this life, popularity. uh, i, i think i'd rather just have a real friend. a real friend? how's that going to get you anywhere? what you need are fans! they give you complete and unrelenting support! as long as you're on top. poor gene, i blame myself. i blame you, too. i just wanted to be supported. you just wanted a vacation. you take that back, mel. bots, they haven't found gene by now. he must have skipped town. you mean the wallpaper? our boy's on the run. how about we find him ourselves? yeah, sure. tell those bots to follow those mehs. i'm sure they'll know about all those freaky deaky apps Gene would hide out in. i'm really good at making plans, you guys, right? here we are, the piracy app! this is where we'll find jailbreak. um, but this is, the dictionary app. that's just what alex wants his parents to think. this is called a skin. really? what could a teenage boy possibly want to hide from his parents? just try to keep up, this place can get a little rough. ahoy mateys, look who's back! high five! i'm a bit of a celebrity here, always welcome. ow! loser! come on, follow me. oh, great, emo gees! i thought the conversation just got dumber. ugh, internet trolls, just ignore them. eventually, they'll get a job, or a girlfriend, or some sort of purpose in life, and then they'll stop. virus, we'll just, we'll just walk over this way... hi! it's so great to see you again! do i know you? it's spam! just sign here and i can get you special discounts on vitamins and coupon offers that can save you up to 25 percent! 25 percent? nonono no no, don't get sucked in! back off, spam! it's the only way to do it. back off! thank you very much! you can illegally download our CD right here! hey, trojan horse, how are you? yeah, what'll it be had? i'll have a bottle of... hack, daniels, hmm? maybe with a plate of... cheese, and hackers, kapeesh? you try to buy a hacker, you can just ask, you know. oh, sorry, um, yes. we're looking for a hacker named jailbreak. oh, i know a guy who could hook you up. right over there. oh, yes. patable. no, not him. her! wait, he's a she? hey! jailbreak! mind if we join in? yes. that's the thing about the internet, is that you never know if someone's being ironic or sincere. i sincerely, unironically want you to go away. ha ha ha ha, so good... so here's the thing, my friend gene here has a little problem. well, see, i'm supposed to be a meh, but i don't really feel... yeah, yeah, and we thought that you could help... the princess, you know, off the phone... woah, hold up, that's not a meh face. bots, they're after me! how are you doing that? look, it's just something that i can do, can you help us? follow me. bots, delete my history! i need to wipe my entire hard drive! i made the most delicious cinnamon buns! maybe if there was something to uh, jog my memory? come on! move! hey trolls, wipe our mailbox wearing a tuxedo! hi, it's so great to see you again! this tunnel will get us out of here! move! get us out of here! move! did that cloud taste sweet to you? ow. ow. ow. help me. help, i'm stuck! sweet motherboard! where am i? candy crush! get me out of here! hey, cornface! try getting him out the top! already on it! hold tight, gene! woah! woah! this feels very off.. and smells. i mean, it smells delicious, but, i still don't like it! the game obviously thinks you're a candy, even though you're, weirdly misshapen, you know? what do i do? stay very still! don't worry, we've got your back! right, high five? hey, fingers! you wanna focus? for your information, i happen to have a sugar addiction, and it's a very, serious... hey, finger head, we have to get Gene out of the game without blowing him up! i don't want to blow up! we have to match up the candies so that Gene will drop to the bottom. and we can't match him with any yellows, or else... oh! don't do that, please don't do that. watch. got it? knock 3 in a row, don't blow gene up, got it. and, we have to be careful. yeah yeah yeah. careful! woo hoo! candy! yo! no no no! don't do yellow! do NOT do the yellow! i said careful! hey, addie! i... i was just wondering, if, you are... tasty. what? um... delicious. excuse me? sweet. hey addie! uh... hi nikki. see you later, alex sugar crush. ah! i'm so over this. Wireless Repair Service, how may I help you? i'd like to make an appointment. it's like this phone is playing games with me! woah! hey, what does this do? get me out of here! ooh... suck it in... stop it... stop it... ow ow ow... it's not working! well, there's one option left. we line you up with the yellows. but you said not to do that! special candies get transported to that jar. the game might think that you're a special candy. and... what if it doesn't think i'm a special candy? well... ah! jailbreak, hello? hello, jailbreak? uh, sorry. what if it doesn't think i'm a special candy? oh, i'm not too worried about it. alright, just do it. gene, gene! you're alive! you were trying to see if i had somehow turned into candy, weren't you? yes i was. and you have not! hey, looks like something popped up on alex's calender. ah, i'm sure it's nothing. uh, alex made an appointment at the phone store? calm down, everyone, calm down. don't worry, everything is fine. maybe alex just wants to buy some accessories. uh, his appointment is with techinical support. well, i'm sure we'll have plenty of time to figure this out. uh, his appointment is for tomorrow. then maybe it's just for some routine maintenance? uh, actually, it's to erase the phone. listen, gene, i'm about to become your knight in shining armor. you are? oh yeah. but first, we need to get uploaded to the cloud. that's where we'll find the source code to reprogram you. the... cloud? isn't that off the phone? ding dingding ding! you got it! mmhm, yeah, the cloud! off the phone! uh! we're in candy crush, oz, i know a shortcut to just dance, which is right next to dropbox, where we can get uploaded to the cloud. mmhm, of course, just go dive into the dropbox and vroom! hold up, here's the stinker. before they let us into the cloud, we have to get past this... firewall. the firewall uses face identification. it's really annoying, because i've already tried to get through. guessed wrong once, and now i'm locked out for life. locked out for life? you're thinking, because i can make different faces, the firewall will think i'm different emo gees! yeah, i wanted to say it, because it was my idea. you know, women are always coming up with stuff that men are taking credit for. you know what, well, let's hit the road. high five, you coming? i'm coming! why do i always think i'm going to come around on black licorice? ah! oh! my precious... move it! sudden death, here we come! let's try this one... you tube? wow, what an original treat, and i don't even need a remote. that guy is so expressive. he reminds me of gene. yes, something's really wrong here. our son is a malfunction, and you should have never let him go into that cube. don't blame me for that now, i am hopping mad at you. see? mary, i think we're being followed, but don't overreact. uh oh. i told you not to overreact. what are you doing now? i could be in there for hours. hey, where are you going. i think we should go our seperate ways, mel. i thought i knew the meh that i married, but maybe i don't. but, mary? this tunnel will help us avoid the bots. thanks for helping us. it's really, really nice of you. NPD, dude. you're helping me! move along, move it, why so slow? high five, stop, why are you getting so close? back off. i can't stop now, i'm having a sugar rush! i'm going to go around you. if i stop moving, my heart's going to explode! coming through, jailbreak! watch out! hey! watch it, knuckle butt! i can't feel my face! ha ha! jailbreak, you said back there that i'm... helping you. i've been trying to get past that firewall for months! ha ha ha ha ha, come on, come on, the faster we go, the faster I can become a favorite! ah ha ha ha ha ha! woo hoo! look at me i just want to bounce out of here, get off the phone, and live on the cloud! hee hee! ow! what just happened! you know, you don't like it here? there are so many rules here! what is up with that? the cloud's supposed to be amazing, it's full of dreams too... oh, sugar crash. i can't hold on anymore. catch me, gene, catch me! and you can be whoever you want! thanks. we're free! come on! oh, oh my gosh, my hands are sweating. you know what, come to think of it, i don't really remember there ever being a hacker emoji. oh, um, you know, you're taking too much of my brain space, let's try to keep the chit chat to a minimum. ooh, someone likes you. what are you talking about? this just like when peace sign gave me just one finger, i knew she was in love with me. let's go! ugh, i'm never eating another piece of candy ever again... high-five, don't do it! don't you do it! it's already been in there once. don't do it. wow. move it! are my fingers getting fat? i'll tell you what, this bandage wasn't so tight before. okay, we get through this app, and dropbox is right on the other side. we just need to keep it super DL in here. and no matter what, we can't, turn it, on. OMG this turned it on! what? i'm a hand, it's a big red button! woah. no no no no! what's happening! welcome to just dance! follow my moves and you get to move forward! do the wrong moves and you get an X! three strikes and you're out! out? what does she mean by out? digital death. thanks to you, fingers, now we're going to have to dance our way out. which is alright with me, because I can shake it like michael. or michael's glove, anyway. Are you ready to daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnccccccee? this is bad, gene, i can't dance, i got no groove! come on, everybody can dance! not me, okay? i'm really stiff... see? you don't... understand? okay, no no. stop, stop. you have to stop. i see now what you are saying? just follow her moves. ready to dance in three! this i can't do! two! dude! just shut up and... dance! i'm just doing it! hee hee! shamon! jailbreak! i got you! look, just do the music, express yourself! dance? yeah, you got it! now throw some sauce on that dance burrito! woo hoo! i'm doing it! i'm finally nailing this dance! you got it! hee hee! oh ho ho! great job! now you're moving on to free dance! impress us with your moves to move forward! more dancing? you're killing it, gene! nice! take it gene! you can break it! wait a minute! i've never seen that dance before! what's it called? the emoji... bob? i love it! you do! everybody! do the emojiiiiiiiiiii bob! ha ha ha! woo! oh! princess! woah! you're the princess emoji! you never got off the phone! new player! who? oh no! we gotta go! no worry, they're robots, they can't dance! downloading thought protocol... can't dance, he says. heh. hey alex, you gonna dance for us? alex, that's extra homework for you. yeah, alex's getting wicked, ha ha ha... alex must be deleting the app! watch out! we gotta get out of here! come on! hoo! this song is my jam! high five! come on! let's go! hurry! gene! i got you! gene! gene... hey, wait a minute, where's high five? alex trashed the app.. and high five right along with it. wait, what? wait, trashed? high five is in the trash? he wanted to dance... but, i knew it was a bad idea... i'm so sorry... we gotta get him out of there. gene, dropbox is right here, we have to get to the cloud! and the trash is on the other side of the phone! we don't know how many other bots are out there! i'm sorry! no, wait! i can't go without high five. i don't care how far away it is. gene... that's my friend down there. i'm not going to just let him get deleted. what, what is it? i've always just thought, you've got to look out for number one... but what good is it to be number one, if there aren't any other numbers? wow, okay. i'm sorry, this is, this is my malfunction, i just, i can't be meh about anything, this is why i'm going to be reprogrammed. well, actually, it's kinda cool. wait, really? no, i think i know a shortcut. we can take the music streams in spotify. let's go give that big hand a hand. come on! now it's trashed the just dance app, and our bots are offline, and it's giving me a real headache... i am so angry! i really need to stay happy. can we please lighten the mood? no one can resist la fiesta! ole! not that happy. ow! we've only got four hours before alex's phone appointment. if they find a malfunction on the phone, we are all going to be wiped! she said wiped! aim higher, steven. i didn't want to have to do this, but it is fun to press buttons. the illegal upgrade! now that makes me happy! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! i just want to dance.. dance... argh! quiet, you saucy gypsy. ugh, where am i? hi! it's so great to see you again! you're in the trash, fingers for brains! get away from me, troll! hi! it's so great to see you again! i've got to get out of here. you can't! and at the end of the day, the trash gets emptied, and we're all going to die! oh no, no, no! this is the last face you will ever see! this is spotify? yep, every one of those streams is a different song. is it safe? are you sure that this is a good idea? that's the point of the wave, dude! can we at least pick a... a colorless stream? okay buzzkill... alex, a bunch of people are hitting the promenade, and i think addie might be there, too... that's perfect! i have an appointment down there, anyway! i've got to get this phone fixed! hey, bubble butt! yeah. ah, much better. so, i gotta ask, is it true that when a princess whistles, birds fly down from the skies.. hello, stereotype, that is a complete and total myth! i'm sorry. did you realize that in the first emoji set, a woman can either be a princess, or a bride? that's why I need to get to the cloud, where you can be whatever you want to be! get ready! whale song coming! wait, wait, whale what? whale song! from alex's biology DVD! woah! wow! woah! ha ha ha ha. you're not going to see that sitting around in a cube. funny, you went out of the cube, and I went in. gene, that means you can't be yourself. what's the point? you know, i think you're pretty cool just the way you are. we're, we're going to need this. nobody knows, the touchscreen dramascene. nobody knows my screenshot... trash? me? i used to be somebody. here i am, in an old email Alex never sent. addie, blah blah blah blah blergh... and then there's me! high five! right there! doing my job! FYI, nobody cares about you. just leave me, troll, and let me die! in this dump alone! let me look for the world's smallest violin in here, so that you can play it! is that the hand angel of mercy? has she finally come for me? give me your hand! i mean, give me yourself! take my hand, angel! i'm ready to take my place amongst the other great hands of the past. it's me, gene! gene? the one and only. gene! i got him! take me with you! high five! let go of me! you'd leave me down here? you were wrong, troll, people do care about me! and i'm not upset, troll! do you see how not upset I am? gene! you came back for me! you saved me... it wasn't just me, jailbreak helped, too. she's a hugger. give her a squeeze. oh, nonono no. not really, nothing great. i'm not feeling your feelings, relieve me! you filthy trolls, I inhaled your stench, and I was once one of you, so I feel your pain. so now, go. be free! smooth sailing from here. huh ha ha! ugh. gene! gene... gene? are you insta gramming? oh, where is my gene... oh, mary, you've really done it this time. no, you haven't. mel? what are you doing in alex's trip to france album? i was looking for you. none of this is your fault, mary. it's mine. what do you mean? is that a tear on your cheek? it's my fault gene is the way he is. i have other expressions, too. i think they've just been buried away. but with gene going missing, and thinking i might have lost you, too... oh, mel, why didn't you tell me? i didn't know myself. right now, i'm so overwhelmed with passionate feelings for you. mary, my love for you burns with the intensity of a red hot flame. oh, i like it. let's go find our son. together. we'll always have paris, mary. so you're a princess. so you have a little tiara, very fancy. is it true when a princess whistles, birds fly that's what i said! no, guys, that's a stupid myth! what awkward virgin haven are you living in? go read an e-book! educate yourself! uh, jailbreak? what the? what is that? smiley must have upgraded her bots! let's get out of here before it... hi, do you remember me, it's smiler! i'm coming to you live from the amphitheater, why don't you come back to textopolis and we can talk through our differences, okay? my friend here will escort you, alright, i'm gonna see you soon, buddy, bye now! we're actually going to delete them in front of everyone. psst, it's still on. it's still on? oh! jiminy, attack the frauds! seperate! take a look! jailbreak! gene! this way! it's still onto me! over here! let's go! we have to make it to dropbox! yes! no! go low! woah! don't worry, it can't get in. it's illegal malware, and this app is secure. come on. welcome to dropbox! you are about to leave the phone. remain seated, please! permanecer sentados por favor! might want to hang on! why do they call it dropbox, anyway? oh, this is why! i see why now! i'd better not see that candy corn again! we made it! you guys, chill. we still have to get past... that. oh... shaw. welcome to the firewall, how may I help you? alright, here goes! what should I do? sit in the corner, and don't say a word. keep those soft fingers to yourself. yes, your majesty, princess of nightmares! now gene, step onto the password icon, and i'll feed you the passwords. okay. okay. ten, eleven, two thousand and two. ten, eleven, two thousand and two. ow. cough. access denied. okay, try a different expression. is it going to blast me every time i messed up? yeah, kind of. what do you mean kind of? ready? welcome to the firewall. his favorite food. chimichangas! chimichangas? ow. access denied. huh. this might take a while. oh boy. krav maga! krav maga. major lazer! major lazer. what did i do now? ow. skate, or die! access denied. denied. denied. denied. i don't get it! we've tried all of the important things in alex's life! his favorite pet, his sport, his favorite grandma... i'm sorry, gene. i let us all down. now, if I had to come up with a password, I'd probably use the name of a girl I like. i've been all over the phone! he's never mentioned a girl. yes he has! hi. when I was in the trash, I read a very interesting email, but, i'm just a dunce, in the corner, forbidden to speak... what email? sorry, what? what email? uh, took it out, at school, he was declaring his feelings of love for her, i guess instead of sending it he tossed it in the trash. high five, this is very important. what is her name? her name, yes! excellent question. it... was... tina. karen. marge. lint, lindsay. ack, allison. sarah, or, lupita. i want to say lupita, but that doesn't feel right, now i'm saying it out loud. ugh.. gotta find that email, i think i can access the trash. i got it! addie! yes! yes, that's it, addie! i knew i'd get there! dear addie, you and I, we are like diamonds in the sky. you're a shooting star I see. a vision, ecstacy. shining bright like a diamond. he used a high-five, see? guess now we know why he trashed it. ooh, shade. guys, should we try this? addie! access granted. oh snap. this place, is, amazing. wow, i can't believe it. woah. one little emoji could sure get lost in a place like this. i... i guess we should, make you, a meh before that bot comes back home. oh, oh, so we're gonna do that now. we had a deal, right? yeah, okay. right. i, uh, guess i'll start hacking. ha! we did it, gene! all our dreams are coming true! i'll be alex's favorite again, and you'll be a real meh! ha ha, yeah! do the hand dance. do the hand dance. and pinky. pop it with the pinky. pop it with the pinky. yeah, but this all seems kinda super fast now, doesn't it? i didn't expect to be having these feelings right now. well, maybe you should go and express them while you still can. so, uh, i've been thinking, um, ever since we. jailbreak, you're the coolest, most interesting emoji i've ever met. and, after all the adventures that we've had, i'm just not sure that i want all of that to go away. because, my feelings, right now, are, like, huge. i just think that they could be enough for me to want to stay the way that I am. if it means that i could stay here, with you, like, forever. forever and ever. and ever. maybe longer than that, even? like in the fairy tales. uh... wait, wuh, what is that? gene, if this is about you deciding not to be meh, then, i am all about that. i like you just the way you are, but i had a plan. right. i'm not just some princess, gene, waiting for my prince. i mean, uh, what you said was beautiful, but, gene... ha ha ha! you're all... meh! the source code worked! turns out I didn't need it. for the first time in life, meh is all I feel. oh! gene! i have an appointment. i'm a little early. no prob. i can take you right now. jailbreak! ah! don't do that! that freaking huge bot has got gene back inside the phone! what? he left being more meh than the meh-est meh face i've seen! what did you say to him? it's what I didn't say. we gotta go get him. how are we going to get there in time before he gets deleted? ugh.. i can't believe i'm doing this. you tell anyone you saw this and I'll crack more than those knuckles. woah. birds do like princesses! it's not a myth! it's not a myth at all! what happened with becoming a favorite? because i'd rather have one real friend. let's go get him. i can't wait to see that emoji's face! look at that expression! is that for realizing that you've put all of textopolis at risk? causing Alex to question our reliability? hmm? hey, now that's going too far, even for me! if we could delete this malfunction, before he gets dissapointed, Alex will realize there's nothing wrong with the phone. and any last words? meh. well, it's too late for that. delete him! wait! you delete gene, you'll have to delete me, too. what? i have the same malfunction gene has. dad? oh gosh, i don't know what to do! yes i do! BOTS! sorry misses meh. wow. i did not see that one coming. smiler, I think you might be making too much stink out of all this. oh really? how about you're next? i was wrong, gene. i should have believed in you all along. oh, what a touching daddy son reunion moment! it reminds me of the time I deleted you both! oh wait! that's this time! delete the two malfunctions! How's that for an entroof gasp oh, great. I can't reach! oh no! what did you do to my beautiful monst Ow my tooth! hand, button! jailbreak? oh, gene... you really are a meh... what happened to looking out for number one? being number one doesn't matter if there aren't any other numbers. alex's appointment! he's deleting the phone! nononono no no no no! show me alex. are you sure you want to delete everything? do it! red alert! alex, no! game over. fellas, i'm afraid this is the last call. dude, addie's here. you should go over. every time I try, i screwed up! i don't even know how to tell her how I feel! if we help alex connect to addie, maybe he won't delete us. i might be able to bypass the wipe and get a text through to him. but we'll only have time to send one. maybe I should go! he has love in his eyes. send me! alex looks nervous, too! he's more shy than nervous! stop! it's gene. he's all of those things! emo gees should only be one thing! oh, really? gasp the princess! linda? not now, mom! gene, you got this. that's not me anymore. but I have to try. it's starting! no! it's ending! almost in? working on it! mom? dad? no.. i'm in! last time I was in this cube I screwed everything up. gene, why do you think I came back? it's because of you. me. it's all inside of you, gene. just try to bring it back. and do you. high five! i don't want to wave goodbye! it's now or never, gene! jailbreak, now! woah! she got this emoji! no way! hey, i got your text! that's one super cool emoji! i know, right? a lot of feelings in one! i get it! i like that you're one of those guys who actually expresses feelings! yeah, that's me! so, do you think you cou yes, i'd love to go to the dance with you. we made it! oh, i could have lost you, peter pinky finger... oh, you wretchy ring finger, even you, tiberius thumb... change your mind? yeah, maybe it's weird, but i'm going to hold onto it. gene, you did it! you saved us all! oh, mel... gee hee eene! gee hee hee heene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! and us! and high five! and high five! and high five! and high five! hey, what happened, gene? slap me some skin! and a little orange for the pinky! hey high five! save a little hand for later! unless you know the hamburger! back on top of the hand pile! you're not on the list! wait, what? what's going on? ha! from now on, everyone is welcome! wait, what is all this? it's for you, gene! everybody! the emoji bob! this is so jazzy... go eggplant! go eggplant! go eggplant! we are out of Alex's pocket, emo gees! this is not a butt dial! to your cubes! are we up and running? roger that. good, because we got incoming! looks like it's gonna be gene. hey gene, ready to try out your new cube? in 3, 2...
submitted by zinyaon to copypasta [link] [comments]

emochi move

The world we live in. It's so wondrous, mysterious, even magical. No. No, not that world. I meant this one. The smartphone. Each system and program and app is its own little planet of perfect technology, all providing services so necessary, so crucial, so unbelievably profound. Look who just sent me a text. Addie McAllister? Must be a mistake. Or a joke. Or a scam. Don't send her your Social Security number. Dude. She's right there. That's our user, Alex. And, like every freshman in high school, his whole life, everything, revolves around his phone. And, as the pace of life gets faster and faster... Phones down in five. And attention spans get shorter and shorter and... You're probably not even listening to me right now. Who has the time to type out actual words? And that's where we come in, the most important invention in the history of communication... Emojis. That's my home. Textopolis. Here, each of us does one thing, and we have to nail it every time. The Christmas Tree just has to stand there all festive. Merry Christmas. It's still September, Tim. The Princesses... I am so pretty. They just got to wear their crowns and keep their hair combed. You guys, we are so pretty. Devil, Poop, Thumbs Up. They just show up, and they're good to go. But for the faces, the pressure is on. Crier always has to cry, even if he's just won the lottery. Hooray! I'm a billionaire! The Laugher is always laughing, even if he's just broken his arm. I can see the bone! Now, me, I'm a Meh. So I got to be totally over it all the time, you know, like, "Meh, who cares?" Which is not as easy as it sounds. Morning, Mrs. D. I see you have the little minis with you. They're so cute. That is so adorable, I can't take it! Now I'll never get them to sleep. Stick to your one face, weirdo. No! No! It's hard to always act blase, when living in Textopolis is just so exciting. Hello, good simians. Those are some sharp attaches. Yes, well, we have business to attend to. What kind of business? Monkey business. I sounded British! Meh. That was really good. Meh. Meh. That was a great... -Whatcha doing there, mate? Practicing. Today is my first day on the phone. Boy. I'm gonna be so meh. What are you gonna do? Me and the boys are gonna throw ourselves on the barbie! Here's my sauce now. G'day, mate. Hey. Konnichiwa. Sorry, emoticons! I hate knocking over the elderly. Here, let me help, let me help. My colon! Is that the time? Hey, my eyes are up here, pal. Yeah! All right! Right on time. So, last week, Alex sends me next to this guy. That kid! Where does he get this stuff? Why are you laughing, freak? Now, unlike me, my parents are total pros. Gene, please tell me you weren't laughing just now. In public. He was. I remember. Let's go somewhere more private. I have some bad news, Gene. And I'm afraid you'll have the wrong reaction. Okay. What's the wrong reaction? Anything other than "meh." Come on. I don't want to be late. I'm not letting you go to work today. Wait, what? You're just not ready, son. Come on! Working in the cube is an emoji's whole purpose in life. Everybody my age is working on the phone except for me. Sweetie, that's not true. Yeah! I'm gonna work on the phone, and I'm only 10. That's because I believe in you. Should we wash our hands? No, no, no. We're number two! We're number two! We're number two! See? I... I know I'm different, okay? But when I need to, I can be meh. I just... I want to be a working emoji, you know, like... Like everybody else, and then... Then I would finally fit in, you know? You fit in, honey. No, I don't, Mom. I never have. But I can change all that if you'd just let me. Just give me a chance. But what if you get sent out on the phone, making the wrong face? No, Dad, I'll make the right face. Look. Meh... You're so handsome when you make that face. I think he's ready, Mel. Meh. Come on, Dad. Let me prove it to you. If you really think you're ready. I am! Yes! Yes. I promise, I won't let you down. Stop. Congratulations, everyone! What an exciting day for all of you. It's really her. Pizza! Hey! Your first day on the job. Hi. Hi. Don't be nervous. I won't bite. Hi. I'm Smiler. Don't touch me. Hi! Okay. I mean, hey. As you know, I'm Smiler. I am the system supervisor here because I was the original emoji. Here's how it works. It's nothing fancy. Wait a minute. It's really fancy! You each have your own cube on the emoji bar. If Alex chooses you, should you be so lucky, your cube will light up. It's showtime. The scanner will scan you, and that scan will get sent right up to Alex's text box. And let me tell you, guys, there is nothing like getting scanned for the first time. You're gonna love it. Really. Now, over here is the favorites section where you'll find all the most popular emojis. And, of course, you'll find my cube here. You are smooth. Just doing my duty. What? What did I say? Rocket looking to party. Come on, tell me you aren't just a little bit tempted. Steven, for the last time, I don't want to buy a time-share. Come on, man, it's Hi-5. You know me, I'm a favorite. Alex hasn't picked you in weeks. And if he stops picking you, you're no longer a favorite. It's got to be some sort of mistake. I mean, look at me, I'm an attractive hand giving a high five. Fist Bump. Come on in. Hey. Fist Bump? He's a knucklehead. Literally. Look at him. I can look like that. Cramp. Huge mistake. Help. Help me. Help up the hand. There you go. Thanks, mate. Hey, little Meh, how about you create a distraction, and then I'll just slip under the rope? Is someone lost? Smiler, hi. Just leaving. Yeah, you know, just killing time before I go back to my cube in the far corner where Alex can't even see me anymore! You may not be a favorite anymore, but you will always have a place in the cube. Yeah, in the nosebleeds. I'm standing right here. Words hurt. The most important thing I can tell you is to just be yourself. Blah. I was made to be happy, so I am always smiling. Places, please. Emojis to your cubes. Attention. We've got incoming. Got to be meh. Got to be meh. My gosh, my own cube. I can't believe it. I could put a plant over here. And over here could go an inspirational calendar. Okay. Got to be meh. Got to be meh. Look at our son down there. I'm just beaming with pride. You don't think he'll actually get picked, do you? Hie-ro-gly-phics. Hieroglyphics was an ancient language of picture forms. Does that remind anyone of anything? Hello? A language of pictures. Anyone? Early hieroglyphs date back as far as 3,300... I got to reply to Addie's text. What should I write? Nothing. Words aren't cool. Okay. Be cool. Be cool. All right, Alex is not sure how he wants to play this. I would really love it to be me. Beam me up! Beam me up! I need Thumbs Up on standby. Yeah! Thumbs Up is going in! Wait! Alex is changing his mind. He's moving. Okay. Looks like it's gonna be Meh. I'm so nervous, I could almost shrug. We are go for Meh. Initiating scan. Okay. You can do this. I can't do this! I can't do it! What is this? Stop the scan! I can't! It's too late! Meh, meh, meh, meh. My goodness, I'm freaking out! What's he doing? He's making the wrong face! Good for him! Little... Wait, what? Be meh! Be meh! Be meh! Abort! Abort! Shut it down! Shut it down! What is that emoji? Wrong emoji sent! Evacuate the Meh cube! Evacuate the cube!
submitted by MathMusicMystery to u/MathMusicMystery [link] [comments]

Accepted Stanford App Analysis: Arpi Park

Reread his app last night and thought I would crank this out for fun this morning lol.
Things I’m thinking while reading this entire APP:
I’ll be analyzing each essay and how we learn a lot about him, but I’ll also be talking about a bigger part of the application: a hard and soft theme.
Common App Analysis
It was finally my turn for Show-and-Tell.
I patted my pocket, checking on my prized possession. Looking to the crowd, I counted thirteen preschoolers and one teacher—full attendance, as I had hoped; everyone needed to see this.
Eagerly, I rushed to the front and removed my friend from the ziplock bag in my pocket.
“Hi everyone, this is my new bir-,” I managed to say before all hell broke loose. “RYAN, YOU CANNOT BRING DEAD ANIMALS TO SCHOOL!”
I’m categorizing these first couple of lines as his introduction, because, well, they are. It honestly serves as a pretty interesting introduction. A lot of suspense is built, and all of that suspense is led to an odd destination: a dead bird. I found it pretty funny, actually, and I think that’s why this introduction works so well. It certainly wasn’t my expectation to read about a dead bird lol. A lot of introductions will try to follow a similar flow of suspense, and it can sometimes works, but I find a lot of people fall short of that suspense when things become predictable. I couldn’t predict a dead bird.
Also, humor is an underutilized tool in these essays because not everyone can pull it off. Arpi does it well, and it helps showcase his personality. You can tell he’s a bit eccentric, very curious, and intensely driven. And all of this stemmed from the age of 4.
A lot of people tell students to not go that far back in time in their essays, but Arpi obviously doesn’t listen to that convention. My general rule of thumb is that if it’s actually that important to you and it’s substantive, it can be worth a try to do so, but more often than not, you probably don’t need to dig back to fourth grade or whatever. With Arpi’s essay, it serves as his origin story and a unique twist that provides comedic relief when most essays suck.
I remember finding him on the street outside my apartment. I had seen birds before, but he was the first with a broken neck. Intrigued and inspired, I knew I had to share my discovery in class.
As my classmates screamed in hysteria, I realized it may have been a mistake.
Yet, the response excited me. I imagine I looked bizarre, slowly smiling as madness overtook the room—but I couldn’t help it. In that moment, amidst the cries of my classmates, I felt like the loudest person in the world. Never before had I seen a group of people so moved—and from my doing. At the age of four, I fell in love with Show- and-Tell.
We start with a little more background on why he picked that bird for his show-and-tell. Pretty interesting and quirky. One criticism I have would be to showcase a little more care for the bird itself as opposed to wanting to immediately showcase it, but upon reflection, I think the essay does fine without it. Why? Because if he did add a part where he tried to show his compassion, it would probably ruin the flow of the essay so far. That is, it’s really hard to go from “I felt bad and wanted to care for the bird” (an essay that’s been done before) to “I also wanted to showcase this bird’s broken neck to the world”.
The main point of this section of the essay, though, is how he highlights his own excitement to showcase something. The enthusiasm behind it is felt and acknowledged, and you can tell it’s authentic. It’s not contrived or anything. What really helps with that authenticity is him describing his feeling, how he felt like the loudest person in the world. It implies that he normally doesn’t feel that way, and suddenly he gets a rush from it in this instance. It also helps when he says he couldn’t help it; this is natural to him, being a communicator. The fact he gets excited is also something to take note of! He’s explicitly telling us here that this is a passion of his, to inspire some sort of emotional response whenever he communicates with people. This kind of theme ties back in later in the essay.
At the end, we learn that this becomes his new mission in life (in a way). It establishes what the rest of the essay is probably going to be like because it serves as a transition to the next paragraph.
Besides the bird, I found myself that day. The experience has grown from a simple memory to a lifelong mission. It is the same conviction that told Homer’s epics, gave MLK’s speeches, painted Dali’s works, shot Kubrick’s films: the aspiration to use one’s vision and voice to impact others.
Some more explicit things we learn about Arpi. It’s pretty much written there for you, so I won’t reiterate anything. I find it interesting how he compares his conviction to Homer, MLK, Dali, and Kubrick. These are some of the greatest communicators of all time, all through different mediums. And these different mediums imply that Arpi is trying to do the same, through whatever medium he can (and indeed he does, which he declares later in the essay).
Something important to recognize is the context of this application. Arpi was involved in speech and heavily involved in art (with various awards). This essay gives the “why” behind his extracurriculars, something that the 150 char description in the activities section could not have done, and something the AO’s couldn’t infer just by taking a glance at his EC’s. All of this fits under his “arc” or “application theme”. More specifically, I would categorize it under his “hard theme”. I’ll talk more about his soft theme in a bit. For understanding the significance behind themes, see ScholarGrade’s work here. Essentially, it’s a one-line summary of your entire app, and I would say Arpi’s is “Effective communicator driven to tell meaningful stories, to inspire and to surprise others through multiple mediums of communication, whatever form that may take.” Whatever variation of that one-line summary you can come up with would probably work, too.
This spirit takes me to the stage, pushing me to show through public speaking. Recognizing the political unawareness in my community, I sought to combat the problem head-on. Recognized as a skilled orator, I landed an opportunity to speak at Naperville’s Memorial Day Parade. There, I directly addressed the city about the need for civic education. Under the gaze of thousands, I felt right at home, promoting change by sharing my message.
The rest of the essay serves as a montage. He starts with his public speaking and provides a little more depth to his mission of wanting to impact others. It also lines up with his arc of being a communicator and how he does it (one his big EC’s was speech). There’s nothing really big or anything that stands out in this paragraph, so I’ll just leave it as it is.
My voice is not limited to spoken words, however. With my camera, I forage through the depths of my mind and express it all through photography. I do not intend to make my pieces pretty, only impactful. While my art has received awards, I find far greater satisfaction in seeing my audience’s reactions. At art shows, I sneak around, peeking through display panels to catch every double-take, shocked expression, and thoughtful stare—the signs of my ideas swaying theirs.
This paragraph starts to tie in other mediums of communication. Earlier in the essay he alluded to different mediums, but now he’s taking the step to really showcase why these mediums are important to him. A lot of students will try a montage style of essay but never really state why those snippets of their essay mean anything to them.
In this paragraph, we start to understand his motivations behind his art, photography. He’s showing his fascination and curiosity with peoples’ reactions here, which is good. My only criticism here is that I would have liked to see what else that does for him. Sure, we get that he loves seeing their faces reacting and whatnot, but how does it change his perspective or encourage him to do other unorthodox things (keeping with theme of subverting expectations)?
Film, too, is another way to share. Last summer, while taking classes in Seoul, I encountered a fascinating street performer—a drug dealer turned Christian evangelist, he had devoted his life to praising Jesus on the streets. Inspired, I took the initiative to film a documentary about him. After weeks of researching, interviewing, shooting, and editing, I finished a project I found worth sharing online. The acceptance into film festivals was rewarding, but I was prouder knowing that, like in preschool, I had found and shown the world a meaningful story.
Once again, another art form in which his desire to communicate and inspire shows. Again, there’s not much here other than what he says. In isolation, these montage parts can be kind of uneventful or perhaps just a rehash of what he did, but I think the point here is how it adds to his overall arc, which you’ll see throughout the application.
If I were to edit his essay, I would probably delete the last line and exchange it for some reflection on what this project in particular did for him. Again, did it change his perspective or encourage him to do other unorthodox things?
I take on education with the same spirit. For me, all learning is research for my next exhibit—my next Show-and- Tell. As I study statistics, Veristic sculpture, or Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, I quickly see their potential applications. Outside of school, I eagerly attend film festivals, art galleries, and TEDx events, searching for both the subjects and techniques for my next productions. Knowing my education will someday affect others, I am constantly motivated to learn.
We see that his curiosity starts to show more and more as the essay continues (and application), and I think Stanford loved to see that. Arpi doesn’t settle ever, and that’s a great quality to have. Moreover, we learn that education is not meant for self-enrichment for him, but to inspire others with what he has learned. You might ask, what’s the difference… wasn’t that always his goal? Yes and no. His goal from the start has always been to inspire through some story-telling medium, but that doesn’t necessarily mean education was a part of that or even a critical component for him to do so. If I were an AO, I could get a sense of how he would use a Stanford education, and how down the line, he can be an amazing leader in some field or art form (and he arguably already is).
I lost the bird long ago, but Show-and-Tell has stayed with me for years—guiding my studies, leading my actions, giving me purpose. The contents and methods of my presentations have expanded, but the same goals remain. Be it in class, within myself, or on the streets, I look to discover. Be it with words, cameras, or bird carcasses, I strive to share. Be it as shock, inspiration, or screams, I aim to impact.
Every day, I look for dead birds—ideas worth sharing with the world. And when I find them, I Show-and-Tell.
I think this last part just drives home the point he makes in the entire essay. He wants to inspire, shock, make people think and question, and it stems from his own curiosity.
I thought this essay was a pretty pleasant read. It made me laugh, I felt kind of strange while reading because I was shocked that he brought in a dead bird, and I was curious to learn how his story unfolded.
Earlier I mentioned that he had a soft theme. I’ll touch upon that in his supplements.
Most significant challenge society faces In a world full of information, very few people listen. Due to differences in gender, race, age, culture, or opinion, we often ignore each other’s voices, preventing progress. No matter how far knowledge advances, there will be no use if nobody wants to hear it.
Last two summers In Korea, I audited classes in Advertising and Photojournalism at Hanyang University, filmed a short documentary, Youtube vlogged, and met a fascinatingly large amount of foreigners obsessed with Korean pop music. At home, I volunteered at a summer school, Camp Pride, and started organizing a TEDx event (coming in November!).
Historical moment or event One of Reverend George Whitefield's sermons. A master orator, he reportedly made audiences weep by merely enunciating the word “Mesopotamia” and even got the stingy Benjamin Franklin to empty his pockets for the offering. He truly mastered the art of speaking, and I’d love to see how he does it.
What five words best describe you? Listen, wait, and talk straight.
What do you read, listen to, or watch? Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - somehow makes the disturbing sound beautiful The Room directed by Tommy Wiseau - so bad but so watchable Freakonomics podcast - makes every car ride fascinating TED-Ed Youtube Channel - amazing lessons + amazing animations = amazing experience Reddit.com - front page of the internet
One thing you are looking forward to at Stanford Vlogging my life at Stanford. Everyone knows about the elite academics at Stanford (which I will cherish, of course), but few really see the special stuff: hikes to the dish, sports games, Frost concerts, amazing food, more amazing people. I want to share all of that Stanford with the world.
Extra hour in the day Taking my mom's drawing lessons again. When I dropped 10 years of drawing experience to fully pursue photography in high school, I found my real voice—but I also lost a meaningful part of my childhood. With an extra hour, I could return to where it all started: drawing with mom.
The soft arc: Being a better listener
Not all of his supplements hit on his soft arc 100%, but most of them do.
Notice how in his most significant challenge response, historical moment response, and five words to describe himself response, they all are about communication in one way or another. All of this adds to his soft arc of wanting to be a more intentional listener. It’s a nice contrast from his essay in which only demonstrated that he wanted to communicate (that is, show and tell). Here, he’s eager to learn to listen and wait. It illustrates his patience, desire to learn (again), and tenacity.
Hopefully you can start to see a fuller picture of who Arpi is: a really thoughtful and easygoing person. His personality, I think, really shines through in his supps more than his common app essay.
His other short responses that don’t hit the soft arc or hard arc completely
His other short responses don’t really hit the soft arc 100%, but it does add some more dimension to his character. I think a lot of students get caught up in making EVERY single essay response hit on their arc, and while it can be helpful, it isn’t always necessary.
The extra hour in a day response has a really sweet sentiment to it. I don’t think you really need to look too much into this, but if we must, the reader learns what he gave up along the way in his journey to become a better (or more shocking) communicator. It complements what he already has without touching his arc too much. There are so many ways to take this prompt, and I don’t really think there’s a wrong way to approach it. You can say more sleep if you want. You can talk about pursuing another intellectual adventure. You can talk about exercising more. Whatever goes. I honestly just think this prompt was thrown in because it’s amusing and entertaining to see what students can actually say here.
As for the response about what he reads and watches, it sort of touches his hard arc (his commentary on Lolita, specifically). Again, I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to approach this prompt. Just write what feels true to you.
The last two summers response is, at least to me, looking for whether or not you’re being productive. I suppose they’re looking to see you’re not just a robot during school, but you also are living life during your breaks. Not much else to say here lol.
Idea or experience that makes you excited about learning
My first Good Friday service—a annual service to mourn the crucifixion of Christ—was the greatest show I had ever seen.
It opened with an emotional musical performance, setting the tone for the rest of the night. In the second act, the pastor preached the gospel, speaking with so much power and conviction that everyone fell to their knees in prayer. For the finale, the lights dimmed for Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ: 100+ minutes of incredibly graphic, gut-wrenching scenes of Christ’s torture and crucifixion. By the end of the night, the entire congregation was weeping, emotionally bombarded by the experience. Amazed, I wondered, How?
Sitting in that service, I realized that Christianity is, in a way, the world’s greatest mass communications case study. Through Christians, Jesus’ words echo in books, sermons, music, art, movies, and television. Moved by faith and with the Church as their stage, Christians skillfully perform life-changing shows—a feat I can learn from. When giving speeches, I mirror how pastors conduct their sermons: controlling their volume, pace, and tone to sway the audience’s thoughts and emotions. When I make art, I recall how the graphic, unfiltered depictions of the crucifixion evoke the strongest responses. Following suit, my own grotesque photography discomforts audiences but also provokes thought. By studying Christian communication techniques, I can improve my own.
Some believe God is real and powerful. Others do not. But in the Church, his story and its telling undoubtedly make people feel—and I seek to find out how.
I’m not going to go too in-depth on analyzing this supplement. Know that the big questions I ask still apply to the supplements.
What I like about this essay is that you really get a sense of the passion behind his fascination with reactions. The details of the story have a point, and it’s to illustrate just how much he really paid attention and was captivated by the people’s responses.
The point of this response is really to see the enthusiasm behind learning, and Arpi does that beautifully. I particularly love the lines where he acknowledges how Christians “skillfully perform life-changing shows” and how he wants to learn from it, and then follows up with how he mimics that kind of story telling. That really showcases how excited he is to learn, because he literally copies what they do, just in a different form. It adds another dimension to his hard arc of wanting to be a better communicator. He even connects back to photography, which was mentioned earlier in his common app essay.
Note to future roommate
Hey Roomie,
Communication is vital in any relationship, and ours will be no different. But don’t worry! I always try to speak purposefully, listen carefully, and text thoughtfully. However, there is one limit to my expression:
I never send emojis—and I beg that you do the same.
Of course, emojis are a revolutionary form of communication. They’re remarkably fun, expressive, and efficient. Unfortunately, after July 28th, 2017, I can only see them as the subjects of the insultingly bad, wholly unfunny, 50- million-dollar mistake that is The Emoji Movie (a generous 10% on Rotten Tomatoes). The Emoji Movie was an insult to comedy, film, and artistic expression as a whole. Every blandly-delivered line, blatant advertisement, and shameless poop joke was a stab to the heart. It truly hurt to watch. Once an avid user of emojis, I can no longer touch them with a clear conscience. The Emoji Movie has seared its ugly mark onto my permanent memory, and now, whenever I see the “crying laughing emoji,” I cry for other reasons.
Please understand: I'm a pretty laid-back guy—easy to talk to and hard to offend. But when Sony Pictures disgraces an art form I love, it makes me feel like poop emoji.
So, let’s just stick to the classic all-text emoticons. My favorites are :D, :’(, and :P. Or better yet, we can just call! Nothing else can capture the wonderful nuances of vocal expression.
I hope we get to know each other well, Roomie—just not with emojis.
-Ryan :)
I’m sure this response is a favorite amongst Arpi fans. More than anything, we get a sense of Arpi’s sense of humor, but as a bonus, we see how it connects back to his arc. Throughout Arpi’s application, he continuously talked about how he wanted to shock others, but we never really understood what shocked Arpi. Welp, now we do. It’s an interesting contrast while still being humorous (see: “a generous 10% on Rotten Tomatoes”). As a result, I think we can get a clearer picture of how he also intends to shock and inspire others.
I honestly don’t think I need to go in that deep of an analysis here since the main point of this post was to talk about his arc. However, I will note that I’ve never wanted to be anyone’s friend more than after reading this supplement. My guess is that AO’s felt a similar sense of calm and happiness when they read this response.
Something meaningful to you and why
Receiving my 9th grade ID card, I nearly jumped when I saw my picture.
I must not have heard the photographer say “Smile” as he took the photo. I just sat with my neutral expression (a terrible mistake).
My eyebrows angled sharply, my eyelids slanted downwards, my lips slightly pursed, my eyes locked in a cold stare—I somehow looked bored, judgemental, and mad all at the same time. My face was basically telling the photographer, “Burn in Hell.”
I then realized I had a problem. I suffer from what is commonly referred to as “Resting B*tch Face” (RBF for short). When my face is relaxed, I unintentionally look very angry.
As someone who cares deeply about connecting with others, it is incredibly frustrating when my face sends the wrong message. Before I can say a single word, my RBF broadcasts: “Stay away.” If I do not maintain a smile, strangers, friends, and even family are afraid to approach, assuming I am in a grumpy mood.
However, while my RBF has caused some difficulties, it has also provided strengths. To make up for my disadvantage, I must be constantly conscious about how people feel. As I exercise adjusting my own facial expressions, I learn to read others’ as well. For both their sake and mine, I always try to be socially perceptive.
Now, when I check the mirror and see the serial-killer-face glaring back, I am grateful. A blessing in scary disguise, my RBF matters to me because it develops careful communication.
Once again, we see this response hit his arc (more specifically, his soft arc). This was my favorite essay, primarily because I have RBF too. It was relatable, it was funny, and it gave me a deeper understanding of just how much Arpi cares about communicating with other people. I can understand his intentions better, and I can definitely get a sense of how he tries his hardest to rise above RBF and create a more welcoming atmosphere for those around him.
What I love most about this essay is that he took something negative and saw the positives within it. That shows he's more of an optimistic person, that he can see the silver lining between things when they look incredibly bleak. That’s a quality I think is harder to find nowadays. Moreover, while he highlights the positives within his RBF, he also showcases his desire to learn and become more aware (see: “I always try to be socially perceptive”).
This essay was also pretty funny, as most of his application was.
Alright, this is getting really long, and I could analyze his entire application for days and talk more about it, but hopefully you get the gist. Arpi’s application, in my opinion, had a hard and soft arc.
Hard arc: “Effective communicator driven to tell meaningful stories, to inspire and to surprise others through multiple mediums of communication, whatever form that may take.”
Soft arc: “Become a better listener by ensuring that he listens carefully and with intention.”
From those arcs, we get a sense of his purpose and why he pursued the things he did in high school, while also getting a sense of his personality (funny, quirky, eccentric, intentional and careful, open-minded, etc.). In other words, his common app and supplements are well-crafted and vibrant, and create a fuller picture of who he is behind the 14AP classes, test scores, gpa and EC’s.
Hope this helpful!
submitted by jay_zhu to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

Turned 30 as a virgin. Now 1 year later after a few lays and my first relationship (Part 2)

Hey guys! First of all, a big "THANK YOU!" to all the people who commented or gave a badge to my previous post. I really didn't think that it would receive so much attention (let alone positive one).
Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/seduction/comments/imcq2e/turned_30_as_a_virgin_now_1_year_later_after_a/
There were a couple points from part 1 that I wanted to clarify before moving on
Moving on from part 1, these are some additional points. As usual, for tl:dr, read bold only. Also note that these are personal opinions/views. They do not reflect anyone else besides myself and I know some may sound controversial:
I may post an update if more bullet points come up.
submitted by VDKay to seduction [link] [comments]

First Contact - TOTAL WAR - 213 (Ralvex)

[first] [prev] [Last Night Terror] [SOMEONE PLEASE WAKE ME UP!] [next]
The Precursors were coming and in force. At their current rate of speed they'd be at the spot where the highway cut up into the ridge in a steep grade in less than thirty minutes. That didn't leave Private Second Class Ralvex, Gunnery Specialist, Second Telkan Marine Division, 2nd Regiment, 3rd Infantry Brigade, 2nd Scout Battalion, Delta Company, Second Platoon (Mobile Scouts), Heavy Weapons Squad, much time to prepare.
Normally he'd have at least his squad, more likely the entire platoon, there to help him set up.
All he had were his two smart-drones and his green mantid engineer, but like the First and Second Telkan Wars had shown, the greenies were a massive force multiplier.
Ralvex brought up a field manual and speed read part of it, skimming to the sections he needed.
"Stampy, build a berm across, on this side of the battle-screens, dig the ditch on the other side, grenade sumps every five meters. Give me a fighting position in the median," he ordered, cocking one wrist to bring up his holoslate and making quick drawings from what he had on the field manual.
"Timmy, run up some light mortars, put them here, here, and here, smart-frame connection, print out four sticks each, wet print the payload dry print the exterior," he ordered.
--vehicle coming-- 525 said, flashing a picture of what he could see in a small window on the upper left.
It was obviously a LawSec vehicle, the paint job and the flashing lights gave it away. The traffic from the south had cut off and Ralvex hoped it was because no more of the Hesstlin were leaving town and turning back.
"Let them through. Let's see what the locals have to say," Ralvex said.
--incoming transmission whisper drone whisker laser looks BOLO-- 525 said.
"Ralvex here, Second Telkan," he said, opening the channel.
"This is BOLO Cutter, do you need a status report?" the BOLO replied.
"Abbreviated is fine, Cutter, I'm setting up," Ralvex said. He checked the new drone, a high altitude stealth drone using only passive. The Precursors were taking the time to rip apart the vehicles. He swallowed thickly as several of the Precursors ripped open a mass transit bus and started pulling out Hesstlins.
"Am engaged with the enemy at 24% capacity. Combat effectiveness at 99.978% and holding. Am advancing on Precursor vehicle of Jotun class. I am beyond planetary curvature of you and cannot provide direct fire support to your unit," the BOLO said.
Ralvex gave a wry chuckle. "It's just me, Cutter. My unit's drop pods took direct fire and we had to punch out at fifty-kay meters."
"Is there any support I can provide?"
Ralvex thought for a moment, then checked his data. "I'm sending you a topography map. I need area denial munitions in the anti-vehicle range at these locations. If you can send me a supply drop via rocket-sled I need point defense, ammo hopper nano-forge, counter battery capability up to the 60mm mortar range, and smart-frame capable auto-turrets."
There was silence for a second. "Launching VLS, estimated time to deployment is six minutes for FASCAM-AV/T rounds. Packing VLS for support drop."
"Thanks," Ralvex said. "Second Telkan out."
"Cutter, out," the BOLO answered.
The law enforcement vehicle nosed around the front of the trailer and Ralvex stepped in front of it, holding out his hand. Timmy was preparing a mortar pit, scooping up dirt and loading sandbags. The LawSec vehicle stopped and four Hesstlin got out wearing riot control gear. One had a grenade launcher, the other three all had combat rifles.
"Nemarlie high threat response," the one with the grenade launcher said.
Ralvex noticed his armor couldn't find any transponders on their gear that it could recognise.
"Ralvex, Second Telkan Marines, Terran Confederate Space Force," Ralvex said. He looked up the hill. "Get your people into shelters or basements, it's going to get really ugly really soon."
"We came to help," one said. Ralvex's armor had finally found the transponder frequency. It was queried only and encrypted, although 525 had already broken the encryption to find out that the officer was merely labeled HTR-2.
Ralvex shook his head. "You will last less than thirty seconds into the probing attack in that armor with those weapons. That's plasteel riot gear, those are Precursors."
"You can't expect us to just hide in the basement," HTR-3 protested.
"If you want to help, prepare fallback positions with plenty of hard cover. Remember, concealment does not equal cover and that standard Precursor high-v kinetic rounds will penetrate up to a half-meter of plascrete and still be effective," Ralvex said. "Other than that, when, not if, when they get by me, you won't be huddling in the shelters."
"What will we be doing?" HRT-1 asked.
"Fighting the Precursors as they rip open anything less than warsteel to get at your citizens," Ralvex told them bluntly.
Cutter had sent him the packing list of the four incoming resupply missiles. A good amount of weaponry, some screen projectors, smart-frame capable weapon mounts, and two nano-forge ammo hoppers. Ralvex signalled his appreciation even as he stared at the four LawSec.
"They're going to bypass me with air mobile forces and indirect fire while I'm engaged with their ground forces," Ralvex said. "Your people need to be in shelters or fortified basements, since some of the payloads will be micro-drones."
The four officers looked at each other.
"We still think we'd be a help here," HTR-4 said.
Ralvex shook his head, continuing to be blunt like the field manual said. "Only to provide an additional target during the probing attack, after that, you'll be dead. You're bringing plasteel riot control armor into a fight where we're going to be using anti-tank weapons."
Ralvex hefted his autocannon, letting them see the size of the shrouded barrel. "This is a 20mm magnetic acceleration autocannon, it fires 350 rounds a minute of mission configurable variable munitions with a maximum armor assisted effective range of forty-two hundred meters. Right now it's loaded for armor-piercing high explosive which can penetrate up to twenty-two inches of hardened laminated battlesteel composite armor before exploding and overload a two thousand watt battlescreen in less than three seconds of direct fire."
The four LawSec officers stepped back slightly.
"I could shoot through all four of you, lengthwise down your vehicle, and blow a two meter wide crater in the highway behind you with a single round," Ralvex continued. "Not even your vehicles ceramic induction engine has enough mass to trigger the HEX or slow down the AP."
He gave them a moment to digest it. Behind him, to the north, a long rippling crack echoed through the night as the FASCAM rounds deployed anti-vehicle self-healing minefields across five miles of highway in a five mile radius. 525 hooked the Big Mommas from each of the fields into Ralvex's tiny Battle Tactical Net when they reported in.
Twenty-five in all. Each in charge of hundreds of little scuttling mines.
"The Precursor vehicles coming mount much larger weapons in much more amounts," Ralvex said.
"You can't win," HTR-2 said softly.
"But I might be able to keep us from losing," Ralvex said. "You need to clear the area, I've got an automated supply drop coming in."
The officers piled into their vehicle with unseemly haste, turning off their flashing light and whirring away, back toward the town.
--they never listen-- 525 said.
"Nope," Ralvex replied. He looked around. The horizon was glowing to the north, two points to the north-east, and one point to the north-west. In several spots hair-thin bright streaks flickered down from the night sky or up into the air as the battle for air superiority continued.
--drop in five seconds--
Ralvex just chinned the smiley icon and waited.
The rockets came in low, running on anti-grav, only making a hum as they set down. The front third cracked open to reveal crates that were neatly packed.
Ralvex set to work, keeping an eye on the clock and the drone feed. The Precursors had slowed down, no more traffic was coming and Tiny Tim had activated the battle-screen across the northbound lane and had set up additional screens so that the front screens meshed with the cliff face. 525 set up integrity fields for the cliff face behind them so that a lucky hit didn't bring a couple thousand tons of rocks down on the position.
Ralvex got the point defense, air defense, and counter-battery systems up first, starting with the six sensor packs. Tiny Tim and Stampy placed the ammo-hoppers and warmed them up, Stampy carrying boxes of 20mm rounds to various points behind the berm.
The Precursors were only four miles out when Ralvex saw the point defense systems go live and start firing, the variable frequency pulse lasers firing from the rotating barrels of the Templar Air Defense Systems. The sky lit up but a quick check of his HUD showed Ralvex that less than 75% of the munitions were being intercepted.
He wished, oh how he wished, that he could have prioritized the ones heading for the town. While that was the noble thing to do, that would mean his position would get pounded while he was still setting up and that would make it easier for the Precursors to get through him.
525 was busy ripping apart the missiles. Most of it went into the mass-hopper for the ammo-hopper's creation engines, but the green mantid was pulling parts to attach to the auto-turrets.
"Wish the squad was here," Ralvex sighed.
"We're probably going to die here."
"Put on some classical music. Sabaton, if you will," Ralvex said, kneeling down and connecting the thick power lead from the field combat reactor to the secondary battle-screen projectors.
"CRACK OF THE LIGHTNING SPLITTING THE GROUND!" roared out over the speakers on 525 and Ralvex's suits.
Clouds had gathered and rain started, making the battle-screen and integrity fields spit and spark, the rain full of carbonized metal and ash.
Cutter fired an artillery barrage, halting the Precursor advance momentarily as the surviving light vehicles waited for their bigger cousins.
--use screamers?--
"No, I hate those things. Something about them creeps me out," Ralvex said, shaking his head. The little robots had a circular saw front mounted weapon and moved underground at rapid speed. They were called 'screamers' due to the sound the sawblade made underground. They would jump up at hit their target, shredding it, ripping through it in a handful of second, before vanishing underground.
The extra time gave Ralvex time to fortify his position more. The smart-frame guided guns had interlocking fields of fire, multiple reloads, and the target profiles were loading up nicely since the Precursors hadn't seen the small stealth drone circling them.
Looking at another field manual he spotted another situation that was applicable.
"Cutter, this is Ralvex, do you read?" he said.
"Cutter here. Engaged in combat," the BOLO answered.
Ralvex didn't mind the terse reply. He figured that when it all came apart on him he'd sound terse too.
"Can you lay a thick FASCAM minefield along these coordinates?" Ralvex asked.
"Roger. Three minutes. Cutter, out," the huge sentient tank answered.
"Timmy, Stampy, let's go," he said, moving off to the right.
--you sure?--
"No. Clamshell up, I'll need you to keep an eye on the smart-frame weaponry. We've got enough to make it look like a whole company of locals dug in. The fight by wire system won't have any EM leakage, so the Clankers shouldn't be able to catch on," Ralvex said. He hefted the autocannon and then nudged the power to the harness. The powered assist and graviton generators came on and the autocannon suddenly felt 'alive' in his hands.
If doctrine is right, they'll hit the minefield and stop once one of the big-boys get gutted. They'll send the lighter ones in to probe or they'll just roll in the heavies or start clearing it with explosives. Either way will be my chance, he thought.
--systems online--
"As soon as they hit the minefield, wait for them to group up a little, then hit them with the 60mm's and the snub-nose 155's Cutter sent us," Ralvex said, putting on a boost of speed and sprinting five miles in as many minutes. He stopped, catching his breath, feeling an ache in his shoulders.
I've worn this armor for hours and never been this sore before, he thought to himself.
"Cutter, you read?" he asked.
"Engaged with the Enemy," was the reply.
"Can you still provide VLS or artillery?"
"Roger. File fire plan," the BOLO answered.
Ralvex figured the massive war machine was probably heavily involved in the fighting a few hundred miles away. The entire sky was lit up past the horizon and it looked like a particularly heavy rainstorm. He knelt down, drew up the fireplan and fired it. Cutter just provided a thumbs-up emoji.
--theyll be boxed make them mad--
"It ain't about us," Ralvex shrugged.
--ride or die--
Ralvex gave Stampy and Timmy orders then knelt down as the two warbots crouched down and waited while Ralvex watched the stealth drones data. The Precursors had picked up speed, the bigger ones falling behind the smaller ones.
"Is it just me or do they look weird?" Ralvex asked.
525 highlighted a bunch of of them then flicked through the database, coming up with no profile matches.
"Load the data into a long flight high altitude drone, get it up there and have it watch for any friendly ships they can offload the data to. Send Cutter the data too, no response needed," Ralvex said, tabbing up a piece of stim gum and chewing it.
--roger roger--
It took only another few minutes for the lead Precursor vehicles to hit the minefield. They rushed forward but the Big Mommas were spawning new burrowing and crab-mines as fast as they were going off. Ralvex told Big Momma sto sweep around twenty of so high speed crab-mines and wait for the big ones.
The Big Mommas sounded almost offended at the suggestion and pinged that they'd already prepositioned nearly two hundred mines a mile toward the city, far enough that the lead heavy Precursor vehicles were already passing them.
The stim-gum was already clearing his head, pushing the pain away, as Ralvex hefted the heavy autocannon, ran one last system check, and increased the size of his smartgun link window.
The first of the heavy clankers was weird looking. Dozens of centipede legs in the front and heavy tracks in the back, what looked like jaws covered with more centipede legs in the front, and huge multifaceted eyes.
--not mantid make. not type one. not evil cow make not type two--
"Designate Type Four," he said, aiming at the exposed running gear for the treads. It was more than just disabling the running gear but according to his Terran instructors many species didn't have heavy armor between the running gear and the interior spaces of the tank like Terran tanks did.
Could be because Terrans have been slam-banging tanks since they invented the wheel, Ralvex snorted to himself.
The Precursors were bunched up, the lighter units trying to forge a trail across only to have the burrowing mines replace the detonated ones within seconds. The Big Mommas had layered the mines eight deep, running their creation engine nano-forges till they were forced to pop thermal cores to cool down in order to make the multilayered self-healing minefield.
Ralvex pulled a microprism grenade from his harness and chucked it out, then grabbed a chaff grenade and chucked it. Fog bloomed out from the microprism grenade as water droplet suspended micro-crystals filled the air. The chaff, microscopically thin strips of metallized mylar, almost unchanged since humans had developed it thousand of years prior, all cut to specific wavelengths blew out into the air.
Ralvex repeated it twice more, then ordered his nanoforge to slow-print HEDP grenades.
Sure, Precursor sensors would report nothing but a solid block, but that meant they'd know where he is.
"Send the signal and let's have some classical music," Ralvex said.
"FAR FROM THEIR LAND AS THEY MADE THEIR STAND!" rang out over the speakers, echoing off the cliff face to the south, almost hiding the roar of the autocannon as Ralvex squeezed the firing grip. He'd dialed it back to 250 rounds a minute, but still the autocannon roared as the harness held it still. The heavy APHEX 20mm shells hit the running gear, shattering it, then slammed into the Precursor battlesteel armor.
The weapon was made to pierce laminate armor, the Precursors used solid battlesteel.
An explosion lit up the night as the HEX component of the Armor Piercing High Explosive rounds found something good, the entire back of the Precursor exploded outward, the shattered armor scything away the smaller ones around it as the fusion reactor went off.
Almost as one the entire group of Precursor vehicles turned toward him.
Ralvex was hammering at running gear of the largest of the Precursor machines, shattering it. One particularly energetic round bounced slightly off a foot thick battlesteel axle and got up underneath the skirts, bouncing around in a shower of sparks as it tumbled and shattered everything it hit till it blew up toward the back, blowing the skirt away.
The autoturrets back at the fighting position Ralvex had abandoned cut loose, the smart frames adjusting their fire plans based on the targeting data from the drone. A half dozen heavy weapons slammed kinetic rounds into the suddenly exposed sides of the Precursor vehicles. The mortars began chugging and the 155mm artillery tubes went to slow autofire at a round every ten seconds. The rockets that Ralvex set up fired, screaming over the battlefield to deploy hundreds of tiny little propeller winged computers that were little more than a RAM chip, a CPU, and a commo circuit. They detonated with an EM pulse.
Ralvex knew that the invisible EW battlefield was now full of feral half-baked warboi hashes looking for any chink or crack in the Precursor armor.
The FASCAM (FAmily of SCatterable Mines) systems fired by Cutter deployed with a rippling crack as the massive 11" missiles dropped submunitions all over the rear ranks and behind the Precursors, cutting them off from retreating and blowing up Precursors with too thin topside armor.
--they mad--
"Yeah," Ralvex said, watching as the microprism clouds lit up as lasers hit and the amplified light was split into thousands of different wavelengths by the machined microprisms. His whole body was shaking as he clamped down on the trigger and hosed another vehicle that had jumped up into the air, anti-grav pods deploying out the side. The heavy rounds punched into the vehicle and it exploded in mid-air, crashing to the ground and exploding.
Cutter's second wave of FASCAMs exploded in front Ralvex, who managed to avoid recoiling or flinching only by gritting his teeth on his gum and falling back on his training. The big BOLO dropped the ordnance right where he'd been asked to.
From the Precursors to only ten feet in front of Ralvex.
Ralvex could tell that the Precursors weren't sure what to do by the way they paused for a moment. He used that time to rake three vehicles trying to get airborne out of the sky, his smartlink holding fire as he traversed the weapon between them even though his hand was tight around the firing grip.
One of the big vehicles suddenly started ramming another, opening up on the nearest ones with its own weapons. A half dozen smaller ones leapt on a bigger one, tearing at it with their claws.
Warbois found the vulnerability, shoulda updated your OS, went through his mind.
The vehicles were shooting back at the emplacement he had left behind, the battle-screens flaring to life and dimming but he wasn't worried, 525 would let him know if there was any problems. Two larger ones tried to turn around, got ten feet, and hit mines.
**NOW?** Timmy asked.
"Not yet," Ralvex grunted, switching fire to a Precursor the size of a semi-trailer. The heavy rounds slammed through the armor by the fifth shot, hitting the same point repeatedly, digging deeper each hit, until the fifth shot punched through the thin battlesteel at the bottom of the crater and exploded inside. The Precursor hunched slightly and exploded, breaking in half.
The mist went green as a high wattage particle beam hit it.
##NOW?## Big Momma #3 asked.
"Wait for it..." Ralvex said. The Precursors were turning toward him, probing the ground in front of them with explosives. Several fired rockets that lost lock and detonated too early or off to the side.
--they mad-- 525 repeated. --real mad--
The vehicles lunged toward him, ignoring their casualties, attempting to swarm the thinly layered mine field.
"NOW!" Ralvex yelled over the link.
The scuttle-mines jumped up, shaking off the dirt, and ran forward on their spider legs, quickly accelerating to seventy miles an hour as they chose targets. There wasn't any profile recognition to pull priority or targeting from so they just paid attention to Big Momma's processing.
Tiny Tim shivered, huddled down, and opened fire with the twin-linked autocannons, running them at the full 800 rounds a minute. The world erupted with a BRAAAAAAP! as the little dog-brain AI giggled in glee and swept the four to one tracers across the Precursors.
It beeped a little tune that was lost in the roar of classical music as it fired off it's 66m HEAP missiles and 40mm chaff, smoke, microprism, and thermal masking grenades.
Stampy deployed his 80mm cannon and shifted, using its legs more as stabilization outriggers, and fired. The little 10mm rounds 'pepper sprayed' the Precursor machines and were almost comical when the cannon detonated a 25 kiloton nuclear blast, compressed it, and vomited it from the barrel as a 'slug' of ravening energy that hit the largest of the remaining Precursors.
Stampy carried his own mini-hellbore.
The little mines jumped on the Precursor vehicles, scrambled up to the top, squatted while broadcasting happy chirps and clicks, and went off. Explosively forged penetrators drove deep into the vehicles by the dozens.
More vehicles were firing at each other even as Ralvex picked off any who looked like they had made a decision. His autocannon's heat was well within tolerance and his ammo-nano-forge was only running at 45% to keep up with his tightly controlled bursts.
If you are properly prepared and follow your training and doctrine, the fight will seem almost too easy, Ralvex heard the voice of the Terran instructor. Screw it up, and you'll be lucky to survive. Don't think because Vuxten fought his way out of some of those fights you can too. You're not Vuxten. Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
The Precursors tried to respond to what their sensors, experience, and data was telling them was a concentrated ambush by at least a division of enemy troops. So far the only local units that had put up even a tenth of that much firepower and resistance were concentrated around a handful of military bases that still fought on despite suffering orbital kinetic strikes.
Enemy forces that had made landing were putting sporadic but highly effective defenses. The six massive armored vehicles the size of a stadium were destroying any forces that they found and were moving across the continents to come to the aid of the cities.
The group on the ground, that were trying to follow the highway to pursue those who had fled the city, were now trapped in a box of surrounding minefields taking fire from two sides. To top it off, attack programs, something never seen before, were ripping through the basic security and shredding into the systems to take over key systems and attack the Precursors themselves while howling and gibbering with insane glee.
Ralvex let off the trigger and ran to the right, putting twenty meters between him and Stampy while Tiny Tim rolled twenty meters in the opposite direction while Stampy, who's weapon was line of sight, backed off fifty meters.
Explosions lit up the night seconds after they'd repositioned and Ralvex knew the Precursors had made their decision.
"Sing for us, 525," Ralvex said softly.
The strains of music floated through the night. The Precursors vehicles dedicated code strands to ensuring that it wasn't some type of attack, encoded battle orders, or communication.
The Precursors rushed foward, legs clattering, wheels squeaking, hoverpods humming, tracks clattering.
"Hooooooold," Ralvex said, tabbing another piece of gum. The scamper-mines were running behind the Precursor vehicles in a swarm a hundred deep, streaming apart to target seperate vehicles. The mortars and the two 155 snubnose went quiet as their bases rotated on bearings.
The Precursors were still firing at the fighting position, obviously hoping to get out of the angle of the interlocked fields of fire.
"Hoooooold," Ralvex repeated, moving the barrel of his autocannon back and forth and letting it cool while the graviton generators bled off the stored kinetic energy.
They were within a half mile.
"LET 'EM HAVE IT!" Ralvex yelled, squeezing the trigger.
"ACROSS THE BATTLEFRONT THE SOUNDS OF CONFLICT!" roared out from the speakers, the female singer's voice slicing through the roar of the guns like a scalpel.
The WAPOOM! of Stampy's cannon blew up a torus of dust around the little robot. Tiny Tim beeped along with the classical song as it cut loose with its cannons.
In the town of Nemarlie, behind Ralvex, the twelve police officers that made up a quarter of the police force were garbed in riot control armor and crouched down behind their vehicles. Behind them multiple buildings were on fire, even more had collapsed under the pounding of artillery, but the fire fighters were getting it under control.
Just past Strebble's Drop the night was flashing with energy weapons and was rocked with explosions.
Two of the officers, in High Threat Response Riot armor looked at each other with fear in their eyes, but shame filled relief too.
"You'd last thirty seconds into the probing attack..."
Precursor Autonomous War Machines in strength on planet. Vehicle profile and types are of unknown types and capability. Resistance to standard EW packages is extremely low. Armor is standard non-laminated unrolled battlesteel with no sign of reactive armor packages and little to no point defense systems.
Are designated Type IV Precursor AWM.
Second Telkan casualties are estimated at 11% due to heavy ground fire during drop. III Corps casualties are at 132% but are now at 100% deployment on planetside and ordering recall and redeployment of forces to protect cities.
Local non-Terran forces have taken extreme casualties and are effectively destroyed. Local Terran forces are holding at operating bases and have suffered total of 3% casualties. Local communications net is collapsed.
Fighting is heavy. Many units out of contact and scattered. Type-IV use heavier jamming and communications interruption than previously encountered and recorded AWM systems.
At this time priority is being put on successful rallying of planetside units prior to defense of civilian areas.
Precursor forces in system despite distance from Long Dark. Civilian estimates that Precursors arrived in system a mere nine hours prior to Task Force Tiamat. PAWM forces arrived via jumpspace and made immediately for planet-fall and were intercepted by TF Tiamat via hyperspace insertion.
Casualties were immediate. No mission killed vessels as of this writing, however all ships have taken hull and armor damage. Combat devolved to local melee style attacks. PAWM deployed hunter-killer torchships immediately and moved to engage at extremely close range.
Ground fire was heavier than previously encountered. Vehicle and ship types do not match previously encountered PAWM, including weapon systems. nCv cannons are of lighter caliber and terminal velocity. Ship sizes are notably smaller with no Harvester Class vessels. Weapon types are of unknown configuration.
Included is imaging of enemy vessels.
Note space dust and other signs of age.
Forward all data to CONFEDMILINT.
--Admiral Karen Grwarga Thennis, Commander, Task Force Tiamat.
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what does it mean when someone sends you a thumbs up emoji video

In most instances, a thumbs up is the emoji equivalent of "sounds good". In the digital world, it's mostly used to acknowledge a message they've received. According to Dictionary.com, a thumbs up is used to "express assent, approval, or encouragement in digital communications, especially in Western cultures." 3. If you’re not an emoji pro, here’s a hard and fast rule: wait until someone sends you an emoji before bringing one into the conversation. Otherwise, think about the conversation you’re having, what platform you’re having the conversation on, and whom you’re talking to. You're chatting with a girl that you've known forever and there's always been chemistry, but you only recently reconnected. She sends a message that's a little flirty. You reply with something similar. She replies with a "thumbs up" emoji. No words, no furthering of the conversation, just an icon. You receive this emoji when you've inadvertently pissed someone off, It's a particularly obnoxious emoji to receive -- I mean, c'mon man, you owe me money, Thumbs-Up People sarcastically Lucy wakes up, she has a busy day, but remembers to send you a text. She sends thumbs up because she has absolutely nothing to say to you, but wants to project a positive idea. You ask her a hard question that can't be expressed in emojis. She struggles with it for a day, guesses at an acceptable response, then sends it to you. What does Raising Hands emoji 🙌 mean?. The raising hands emoji depicts two raised hands, palms up, with lines above them, implying motion.. It's used in a celebratory way, to express joy, pride, or surprise (the good kind). What does it mean when someone sends you a thumbs up? Context is everything in this case - and in most instances, a thumbs up emoji is just an acknowledgement of a previous message. Next time you're sexting someone, use these some of these 15 emoji icons that perfectly sum up your sexiest thoughts. While interpretations vary about what the poop emoji actually means. It all depends on the sender's intention. For a Pisces guy, he sends the poop emoji for a laugh. To be light-heartened and funny, the Pisces guy needs a great way to break the ice with a potential partner. So, he resorts to his child-like sensibilities and sends the poop emoji.

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